A tragedy.

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2 months after his attempt.

Lovino is in class, extremely bored, is writing an essay about the affect of pollution on our water systems. His hand is writing but his mind is thinking. Thinking of Antonio. He wants him to hold Lovino in his arms.

The chalky white paper he is writing on finishes, and he reads over his work.
Not bad. He thinks, just as the bell rings. He hands in the paper and walks away.

As he walks through the hallway, he starts to feel a strange feeling in his head, but he ignores it. He continues to walk through the plain hallways, but the feeling doesn't go away, worrying Lovino.

Lovino is still walking but now having difficulty breathing. He has no clue what is going on, and he is terrified.

The feeling overcomes his body and he cannot breath at all.

This causes him to collapse in the middle of the hallway, unconscious.
Antonio is walking through the hallway, looking for Lovino, when he hears screams. Alarmed, he walks towards those sounds to see a few people crowded over something, crying for help and screaming. Antonio peeks in.

He sees his precious Lovino, lying on the floor unconscious.

Antonio feels panicked.
"Lovino!" He shrieks, pushing through all the people. He bends down, and puts one hand under Lovino's legs and one around his neck. He lifts his unconscious body, which is surprisingly light.

Then Antonio runs to the office. When he gets there, all attention is on him, probably because he is holding an unconscious person.
"Help! I found him like this! Call an ambulance!" Antonio shrieks. The secretary obey and call the ambulance. They then put Lovino on a bed, leaving Antonio with only Lovino's warmth in his arms.

When the ambulance comes, Antonio gets on, and is automatically questioned.
"You claim to be close with Lovino." Says a nurse. "Do you know why this might have happened?"
Antonio looks up, tears prickling in his eyes.
"He tried to k-kill himself a 2 months ago." Sputters Antonio. "He cut his artery on his left arm."
"What happened afterwards?" Asks the nurse, rolling up Lovino's sleeve to examine.
"W-well he called me, and I arrived to find h-him home alone and unconscious. So I called the ambulance, followed their instructions, and then he was taken to the hospital where he was cared for." Says Antonio, tears falling down his cheeks.

"You are a hero." Says the nurse, looking at Antonio. "You really care about your friend." She says.

"W-well, not at the time, b-but now he is actually my boyfriend." Antonio says looking at the nurse. His body starts to shake with uncontrollable sobs that are muted but intense. All the other nurses on the ambulance stare, but the one he was talking to doesn't. Her eyes grow wide with pity and sorrow as she gives Antonio a big bear hug, attempting to calm his shaking body.
"Shhh. It's okay." She says.
In the hospital, Antonio, his parents and Feliciano are all waiting patiently.
All of their eyes are red and drained from all possible tears in fear of Lovino's life. A nurse had explained to all of them what had happened. Lovino has internal bleeding from his artery because of his suicide attempt. He must  go through surgery. He might not make it.

Lovino's father walks up to Antonio.
"You have shown so much good support and love towards Lovino. You saved his life. I just want you to know, regardless if he makes it, I just want to say, we appreciate you." His father says. Antonio rises from his seat and hugs Lovino's father.
"Thank you." He replies.
Lovino's eyes open and they see everyone. But he can't move. He starts to panic. All the people he loves are standing there, tear stained faces. He can't move! He can't tell them how much he loves them! All he can remember is collapsing in the hallway.

"Like I said earlier, due to internal bleeding of his artery, we performed surgery. He is currently in a coma, but he can see and hear you. He has a good, but not 100% chance of survival." Says a nurse to his family and Antonio.

With that everyone bursts into tears. Lovino feels panicked. He did this to them! His mom speaks first.
"Lovino! We love you! Please hold on! You are our first born and our precious son, we love you." She cries. The rest of the family members speak until it is only Antonio that had kept quiet.
"We should leave them alone, he is his boyfriend, and the one who saved his life when he attempted."  Says Lovino's dad.

The family leaves. The nurse exits, telling him he had 5 minutes.

Antonio pulls up a chair and sits down. His red eyes visible to Lovino.
"I know you can't respond. But I love you. Lovino, I can't live without you, so please hold on." He says, tears once again streaming down his tan skin.
Antonio leans down and gives Lovino a soft kiss on his still lips.

Lovino wants to kiss him back. He wants to wipe away his tears. He wants to tell him he loves him back! But he can't.

Antonio leaves the room, glad he got to kiss him, even if it was the last time.

Lovino thinks of how easy it would be to let go. End the visions, the pain. But then he thinks of Antonio, and how he can still feel the tingling of lips his on his.

He decides to try to live.

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