Sleep Problems

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A/N- I'm doing this chapter in first person POV's instead of my usual third person. I know I don't have a lot of readers, but I hope the ones who read enjoy! Also, this chapter is kinda scary and may be triggering. Just a warning.

Lovino's POV

I walk to my dorm that night with Antonio. He has a warm, comforting aura about him, that I enjoy as we walk along the dimly lit campus.

At one point, I trip on a piece of cobble stone, but he catches me, and we both laugh. There is a slight September breeze that causes me to shiver, and his arm wraps around my waist. I decide not to resist as I usually would, because of the circumstances. I just lean into his warm body.

Though not many words are said, it is as if we are silently celebrating our reunion, which I like. At one point I look up at him. His hair reflects the dim lights, and his eyes glow bright green, staring at mine. Yawning, I break the gaze.
"Are you tired?" He asks, concerned.
"Yes." Without hesitation, he picks me up bridal style! I let out a small yelp, causing him to chuckle. After he refuses to put me down, I settle in his arms, nuzzling into his chest.
"Just as light as when I remember when you were sixteen!" He says.
"What do mean?"
"That time when I was saying goodbye, I carried you just like this." He states as I remember the event.
"Oh ya." I say with an exhausted voice.
"You can't lead us there if I'm holding you, so where is your room?" He asks.
"Dorm 5, room 17." I reply.

I don't remember falling asleep, but I wake up, still in arms. He is shaking me lightly.
"Lovi, wake up, we are here. You slept a few minutes." He says. I open my eyes and groggily shift out of his arms, unlocking.
"Thanks, see ya." I groggily mumble.
"Bye." He says walking away.

I stumble in and close the door, not bothering to change my close or brush my teeth. I just hop in bed. I am about to close my eyes, but I see black flames. I want to sleep, but I am not so lucky.

They swirl, closer. A short man walks out. I recognize him: He appears often in my visions.

I stiffen in my bed.

I. Should. Just. Close. My. Eyes. I think. I try, but the fear wont let me. I scramble to the corner of my bed, watching the scene in front of me. I want to turn on the light, but I am too afraid to leave my bed.

The man has his usual bloodied smile plastered on his face. But this time, he is carrying an unconscious person. I look closer, and he sees that it is Antonio. I try to scream, but my throat is much too dry.

I watch as my love is stabbed before my eyes by the crazy man.

My visions are in black and white. I can't see his emerald eyes. I can't see his beautiful eyes. They were closed before, but opened when he was stabbed.

But they are grey to me.

They are starless.

The short, murderous man drops my love. He is dead. The man walks towards me and gives me a smirk. I feel a darkness overcome me. I am trapped by own brain.

"Hello, my child that I have been haunting for years."

He then disappears.

I begin to cry in bed. It is over. It is done for tonight.

But never has it ever lasted so long. Never has it been so vivid. I hate these visions.

It is very late and I can't sleep. I can hear in the back of my mind, an invitation. An invitation to relief. An invitation to the washroom. An invitation to end the story.

But I decline.
I wake up, the sun shining bright in eyes. My alarm on my phone shreiks, and I reach over to my desk to silence it and check the time.

My first class is at 9:00am, and it is 8:00.

I fell asleep at 7:00am. I just couldn't sleep after what I had witnessed.

I groan, and pull myself out of bed. I take a quick shower. As the hot water hits my skin, I take a breath.

I try to wash it off. I try to wash away what I saw. I just want to wash away all the things I have seen. All the demons. I want to wash him away. The man.

I've known him for years, since I have had the visions. Since the 9th grade.

He is a short, murderous man. His face is large and stretched out, with a large, bloodied smile that spreads across it. He is pale, and he is horrible. He seldom appears in visions, but he is the one that controls all of them. He haunts me. He has never set hand on me, but he always stands before me. The demons, the creatures, they all belong to him.

But the question that crosses my mind is terrifying. How messed up does mind have to be to create something like that?

I turn off the water and dry off, ignoring the question I just asked myself. I get dressed, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and rush out the door, grabbing my books and sliding into my shoes.

I need coffee. I got 1 hour of sleep.

I go to the café, and get a large coffee. I gulp it down, savouring the pain as the scorching liquid burns my throat.

Savour the pain? What am I talking about? Is it bad that the burning sensation makes me feel better?

I ignore these thoughts as I walk to class. I walk in, and take notes on advertising techniques. Even though I had coffee, I can hardly keep my eyes open.
"Mr. Vargas, are you all right? You look very tired and sickly." Says the teacher.
"Oh, I am fine." I blurt.

After class, she calls me back.
"You need to sleep." She tells me.
"I, I just-" I burst into tears.
"Do you have a class now, because I don't." She says.
"No." I croak.
"Stay here. Tell me the issue." She says. I don't know if its her comforting voice,
but I tell her everything.

The visions, meeting Antonio, my attempt, my relationship with Antonio, the coma, Antonio's parents, meeting 3 years later, getting together, and last nights vision.

She comforts me, tells me encouraging words, but I don't listen. As I leave, she speaks.
"There is a psychologist a few blocks from campus. You should go." She says. I nod.

I go through the rest of my classes, and by 5:00, I am done. As I walk out, I receive a text from Antonio.

A: wanna meet me at my room rn? Its building 4, #29. We can watch a movie.

L: sure, heading there now.

I walk to his place. As I walk, I start to feel exhausted, and as if I can barely hold myself up. I trudge along, each step a painful effort to my fragile body.

I knock on the door. It swings open.
"Hola!" He cheerfully says, but then his face darkens.
"Lovino, you don't look so good. You look sickly!"

I don't reply. I just collapse into his arms.

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