Blonde Hair and Pink Sunglasses

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A/N: Wowsers 1k reads! This is so amazing, thanks to everyone! If you like this story please keep reading, voting, and commenting! Btw, art creds to SkyKly on deviant art:)

The bright sun shines on Antonio's face, forcing open his sleepy eyes open. Blinking a few times in confusion, he realizes where he is. He sees Lovino sleeping peacefully beside him, his mouth curled into a little smile. Antonio decides to go back to sleep, knowing his first class isn't for another 3 hours.

Antonio is in a field again. The sun is shining bright into his eyes as he stands in the tall wheat. He skims the plant with his hand, then closes his eyes once more in serenity. He feels calm, and at ease. Breathing in the warm air, he lets himself let go of everything that has been going on lately. But then something occurs to him, causing him to tense up. Last time, he was in a field of tomatoes, but now, he is in a field of wheat. Why? Pondering this, he feels a strong yet comforting force pull him backwards. It sends him to the dirty ground, and he spits out some soil.
"What the hell?" He says out loud, frustrated. He gets no response, but instead the atmosphere around him changes. He watches in awe as the blue sky turns into a ceiling and rows of wheat turn into tables. He is now in a bar, lying on the floor. He shakes his head, confused. He then sees a hand reach out to him, offering to help him up. He takes it, and is pulled up to face the person.
"I've been expecting you" They say with a smirk. At first, he thinks it's Lovino, but then Antonio looks at his outfit. Also, his hair is strangely blonde, confusing Antonio further. Why would Lovi dye his hair?
He also a gaping bullet wound. Antonio gasps in surprise.
"Are you a zombie?" He questions with panic. The person who looks like Lovino laughs.
"Oh sweetie, everyone here is dead." His look darkens. "Including you." Antonio looks down his shirt in horror to see something he didn't notice before. A bloody dagger wound in his stomach. He starts to panic.
"Help! I'm bleeding! What's going on?" He receives no answer, but instead everyone in the bar falls to the floor, including Antonio. He can't move, he is paralyzed on the ground, the entire bar seemingly collapsing onto him as a strong feeling overcomes him and forces him to sleep.

Antonio opens his eyes with a jolt, finding himself in Lovino's room. He understands now that he was dreaming. He relaxes, sinking into the comfortable bed. He then notices that Lovino isn't next to him. He also realizes that "Nothing Else Matters" by Metallica is playing. Antonio is confused as to why the tune is playing.
"Lovino?" He calls, hearing a small whimper from the kitchen. He jolts up and runs towards the kitchen to find Lovino curled up into a ball on the floor.
"I'm scared." He says softly. Antonio sighs, sadness in his eyes. He feels for Lovino, and he knows exactly what is happening.
"Lovino, I am here, no one can hurt you now." And with that, Antonio lifts Lovino from the ground and walks him to the bed. He then goes to the washroom to get Lovino's medicine, and gives it to him. Antonio wishes there was more support for people with schizophrenia, and that the stereotypes were demolished.

At this solemn moment, Antonio goes back to the kitchen, turning off the music. He wonders why Lovino was playing that song. That song. He shakes off his curiosity, walking back towards the bed that Lovino is resting on.
"Lovi I gotta go."

Antonio goes to his apartment, changes, and goes to class. His body is working, walking, and behaving in a normal matter. But his mind, it isn't present. It is in his dream, reliving it. He remembers it surprisingly well. The way the warm sun felt shining on his skin, and the way the wheat tickled his ankles. He remembers the strange yet calming sensation that pulled him towards the ground. What was that? And why did it appear in his dream. Antonio remembers the cryptic bar, with the person who looked like Lovino. He remembers looking down to see that he had been stabbed, though it was somehow painless. But then there was panic, as he saw everyone else's injuries. He even remembers someone in the bar that looked just like him! The entire bar was dead. It was a strange, terrifying feeling that Antonio feels again now. Almost like a sinking feeling in his stomach, except the thing that is sinking is a wooden canoe. A wooden canoe that held everything dear to him.

Suddenly, he is panicking as he walks to class. Trying to calm himself down, he takes a seat on a bench, breathing deeply. The world around him is spinning, the large buildings swinging everywhere. He wonders what is wrong with himself, what is going on? Why is a little dream affecting him like this?

After 5 minutes of sitting down, he looks at his phone, realizing he has 2 minutes until class starts. He jolts up abruptly, running to class.
Meanwhile, Lovino is now in the shower, getting ready for his first class. He is feeling more at ease because his meds have kicked in. The warm water hits his skin, soothing him as he shampoos his hair in the little shower with beautiful brown tiles. Singing to himself quietly, he notices someone singing beautiful harmony along with him. He figures its just a voice that he is hearing, which is quite normal for him. Because of this, Lovino stays calm and continues to sing. That is until he turns off the water, and exits the shower.

To his surprise, he. sees an exact replica of himself, but blonde, in a pristine white suit. He has a pink scarf and pink see-through sunglasses shirt to top off his look. And he is just standing right outside of Lovino's shower, singing.

Lovino usually does not have visions of full people, confirming that this is happening. It registers with Lovino at this moment.

"What the hell!?"

Visions (A sad Spamano fic) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora