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*trigger warning, unsettling and mature topics(I am fully aware these topics aren't jokes, I put them in my stories to bring light to them and make ppl realize that they are very real things)

Lovino scrambles to the phone to call his mother. All he can think of is the strange event that just happened only moments ago...

"What the hell?!"
"Don't be scared. I always knew I would see you again. Funny how it's only now, when you have something I want." Said the strange man.
"Who the hell are you and why do you look like me?
"That's a story for another day. All you must know now, is that I have come to take Antonio."
And with that the man left, leaving Lovino still in his shower, speechless. And that is when he begins to panic.

"Please pick up, please pick up"
He holds the phone to his ear with trembling fingers.
"Mom!" Lovino yells.
"Sweetie is everything okay?"
"Mom someone who looked just like me except with blonde hair just came into my dorm apartment and said they have come for Toni! And then they left! Who is that???"
"Oh Lovi I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have kept this from you for so long."
"You were born an identical twin, but..."
"WHAT?! But what?"
"The nurse took poor Flavio and kidnaped him. She wanted a she kept him in secret. By the time he was 14, the police finally found him, but he wanted nothing to do with our family...because he felt detached. We decided it was best not to tell you and Feli because it would hurt you...I'm so sorry. He now lives on his own in an apartment in Toronto...but the issue is that he is scarred because the nurse used to abuse him...and...he is a little disturbed and does some bad things." His mom starts to cry. A hysterical cry. Meanwhile, Lovino feels no pity. He just hangs up the phone, not a single tear reaching his eye. He stands at the phone, in shock, for a while until he truly understands what must be done. He has a plan.

Lovino is going to connect with this Flavio. They are identical twins after all! But at first he needs to find him, and make sure he doesn't lay a hand on Antonio! He rushes to Antonio's dorm room.


Antonio gets back to his place, still shaken by his strange nightmare. He removes his shoes, and goes straight to the washroom.

He sees his reflection, shaking his head and looking again. His eyes seem slightly off, even though he quit drinking. He finds this strange. Frankly, he finds everything about the past while quite strange. He decides he needs a rest, so he walks to his bed and crawls in, clothes and all.

Antonio wakes up in a chair. Why is he in a chair? Why does he feel so dizzy? He goes to rub his eyes, but jerks in surprise as he realizes that his hands are tied together. This clears up his dizziness and he starts to yell. He is for some strange reason, in his kitchen. He tried to inch his chair over to the counter, but his feet are also tied tightly with bright blue rope, matching his arms. As he yells and struggles, the front door opens.
"Looks like the drugs wore off honey" Says a man. Antonio jumps in his seat, startled. The man begins to walk towards him, and gets a better look.
"Y-you are the guy from my dream!"
"Oh, makes sense that you dreamed of me." Says the man, his lips curling into a grin. Antonio tenses in his chair.
"What? What do you mean!?" He questions.
"Let's just say I have my ways getting into people's heads." Remarks the man, his grin transforming into more of a smirk. Antonio's entire body shivers in his small chair. He breaths in slowly, not wanting to think of what the guy just said. And the worst part, he looks so strikingly like Lovino, but of course he knows it's not him. He knows his Lovi wouldn't tie him up and drug him. But at the same time, who the hell is this guy!?
"W-what's your name?" Antonio sputters.  The man looks strangely delighted by this question.
"The name is Flavio." He takes a step closer. "Nice accent." He says, a creepy look in his eyes.

Antonio looks away, really scared by this guy Flavio. He walks away slowly, towards the fridge, which is behind Antonio. Based on what Antonio can hear, he is getting a jar. A jar? What if he hits him with it or something? He squirms to turn around, but he is tied down too well, it is no use. He then hears a loud crunch. Is this Flavio guy eating pickles? Either way, Antonio is desperate to know who this guy is. And why he looks just like his boyfriend! And why he is tied up. After a while of Flavio crunching on his pickle, and Antonio thinking and beginning to panic, Flavio walks back to where he was originally, in front of Antonio.
"Why so scared Toni? I'm not going to hurt you honey." He says in a soothing but menacing voice.
"What do you want with me? Who are you? How the hell do you know me?Why do you look like my boyfriend?" Antonio almost screams, visibly becoming frustrated.
"Shh, Toni. You have so many good questions. It's quite attractive, the way you inquire."
"What the actual hell! Answer my questions!" Antonio yells, squirming in his restrains. Meanwhile, Flavio looks hurt.
"Well, looks like sweet little cute Antonio is out the fucking window!" He also yells, tone becoming dark. "If you must know, I'll tell you. I know you because you are my brothers little playmate." Flavio sneers. Antonio's green eyes widen. He is silent for a few seconds.
"B-brother?" Antonio almost whispers.
"Yes. Brother. Twin brother actually. Identical."

Antonio starts to cry.
"He never told me he had a twin!" He yells, rage in his voice.
"Oh, calm down. He doesn't know. Except I just  payed him a visit, he may have called mom by now." Flavio states. Antonio is still in shock.
"Anyways, for the reason I'm here. When I first saw a picture of you, I knew you were with the wrong twin."
"What?" Antonio questions.
"That's why you're here, dumbass. I'm here to take you. To take you away from Lovino. You're mine now."

And before Antonio can process what he just said, Flavio swiftly steps forward and kneels to chair level. He leans forward, forcefully kissing Antonio, his hands around the other mans neck. Antonio is in shock! What the hell? He tries to pull away, but the persistent Italian just pulls him closer. Antonio still squirms as Flavio pulls away. For a moment, they both look into eachothers eyes, Antonio with shock Flavio with lust.

Then Flavio pulls off Antonio's blue shirt, revealing his full upper half. The Italian begins to run his hands up and down Antonio's toned body. Antonio squirms.
"Stop it!" He yells. "I said stop!"
But Flavio doesn't stop, he doesn't stop. He runs his hands down Antonio's back, he stands up. He pushes the chair against a cupboard. Then he sits on the chair, straddling Antonio.
"Fucking stop it you idiot!" Antonio yells, in a nervous tone.
"Aw, poor Antonio." Flavio says, the smirk apparent in his voice. He grabs onto the counter for stability, wrapping his legs around Antonio. He leans down, kissing Antonio, and begins to grind against him. Antonio yelps, and begins to cry. He doesn't like it one bit. He feels really uncomfortable, but when he squirms it just gets Flavio more exited.
"Stop resisting, yyyou know you lllike it!"
Flavio says.
It discusts Antonio how much pleasure Flavio is getting from this. Antonio just sits through it. He really, really hates this. He realizes that he is stuck, and can't do anything about it. He begins to become thankful that they both have pants on!

Antonio just cries and deals with it. There is no one around, no one to save him. He just prays that it doesn't get worse.

Then there is a key turning, and the door which is adjacent to the kitchen opens. Antonio looks to see Lovino! Flavio turns his head to glare at his brother, not getting off of Antonio. Meanwhile, Lovino's eyes well up with tears as he slams the door shut and walks towards the two men.
"B-bastard." He chokes out, before his auburn turn from sad to furious as he stares at the man who he once shared a womb with.

Oof what an eventful chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoy my writing:)

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