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A/n- picture belongs to idk??

Lovino is finally back at school for the first day. He wanted to wear a long sleeved shirt, but it wouldn't fit over his bandages. His first two classes are okay, aside from the occasional stare. Lovino is dying for lunch time. He needs to see Antonio.
He arrives in the cafeteria with Antonio waiting for him at their usual table. He has a warm smile that spreads all the way to his sparkling green eyes. Lovino walks forward and sits down.
"Hey, bastard." He says.
"Hi Lovi, how is it to be back?" Asks Antonio. Lovino's face darkens.
"Well school is okay, but at home they keep questioning me about why I did it. I just want them to stop! I don't want to home. I don't feel safe when they are questioning me!" Lovino spills. Antonio gives him a look of concern.
"If you want, you can come over to my place after school." He suggests. Lovino turns red at the thought of going to his crushes house.
"Um-surethanksbastardo" Lovino says quickly. He avoids his eye contact.
"Okay." Says Antonio calmly, his voice so pleasant to Lovino's ears.
The rest of their lunch is good. Lovino is just glad to be in Antonio's presence.
He wants so badly to tell him how he feels. Dammit! He thinks. I wish I could read his mind!

Lovino goes through the rest of the day, Antonio on his mind. When the last bell finally comes, he grabs his things, and rushes outside.
"Hey." Says Antonio from behind him, making Lovino jump and turn around. Antonio chuckles.
"Let's go bastard." Says Lovino with a red face. Antonio leads him to his car.
The ride there is silent while Lovino's mind wanders to thoughts of Antonio and how perfect he is. He is so nice, even when Lovino is rude! These thoughts fill his head until they arrive at Antonio's place and walk in.
"My parents aren't home, so we might end up eating microwaveable enchiladas." Says Antonio.
"That's fine bastard." Lovino says, admiring the nice house.
"I like your house!" Says Lovino. Antonio chuckles.
They both sit on the couch in the living room and watch a movie. Then Antonio makes food. The entire time, Lovino is uneasy. He really likes Antonio, but he knows the feeling isn't mutual. This makes him restless.
"Enchiladas are finished!" Says Antonio, placing two plates on the small table in the living room.
"I'm not hungry bastard. I'm leaving." Says Lovino, walking to the door.
Antonio grabs his good wrist, and Lovino turns around with tears in his eyes.
"Lovino! What's wrong?" Asks Antonio.
"B-bastard! Don't you get it?"
"Get what?"
"Ever since I met you I've felt something, dammit! I don't know why, but I know you don't feel the same." He says, looking up at Antonio. Silence fills the room.
Lovino is about to leave when Antonio puts a hand on Lovino's face. His touch I soft and makes Lovino shiver. Then he leans in so close to Lovino's face that Lovino can feel his warm breath on his face.
"B-bastard, what are you do-"
He is cut off by the touch of Antonio's lips on his. He feels surprised but he kisses him back. Antonio places his free hand around Lovino's waist, pulling him closer as Lovino wraps his arms around Antonio's neck, relaxing. They continue to kiss until they are out of breath. They both pull away, still in each other's arms.
"That was amazing, bastard."
"I can't believe you feel the same way!" Says Antonio, his green eyes staring into Lovino's hazel ones.
"I can't believe it either." Says Lovino.

Soon enough their lips collide a second time, interlocking perfectly like puzzle pieces. Then they both taste the tears running down Lovino's face. Antonio pulls away.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"N-nothing, it's just, the only time I truly feel safe is when I'm with you. I know y-you won't hurt me, question me, and you're always so nice!" He says through tears. Antonio clutches him closer, Lovino putting his head on his shoulder.
"Shhh, it okay my little Lovi. It's okay. I'm here, and you are here, and we are together, and it's okay. I don't know what's wrong, and why you did it, but it's okay, you are safe in my arms.

Lovino is safe.

Visions (A sad Spamano fic) Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora