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Art- idk cr sorry

Antonio silently drives towards the Vargas household, processing what he about to do. He calls and asked Lovino, his parents, and Feli to be there. He drives in silence. Tears begin to prickle in his eyes, but he ignores them.

He pulls up to the driveway, parks, and knocks. A happy Feliciano opens the door cheerfully.
"Ciao Antonio! We are all sitting on the couch waiting because you told us to all gather together. What do you have planned?" Feli says. Antonio gives him a pained grin and walks in without speaking, surprising Feliciano. Where is the usual cheerful Antonio?

The Vargas family sits down and Antonio stands infront of them, bracing himself. After waiting a while, a single sobs wracks his body. Concern paints the family's faces. Lovino stands up and wraps his arms around him, but Antonio harshly pushes him off, startling Lovino. He turns red and sits down, confused and hurt. Then Antonio wipes his teary eyes with his blue sweatshirt and begins.
"Lovino already knows this, but my f-family is extremely homophobic. When they found out I was gay, I had to live in the basement and care for myself. But then children's aid found me, and I was fostered for years. But then my parents got me back, but they still do not accept me." Antonio finishes, and he sees all the shocked looks on their faces. Then he continues.
"My parents found my phone and saw my texts with Lovino, and found out. I-if I don't break up with you, I will be kicked out. My dad told me that he will kick me out and disown me, and I will never see my parents or any of my family again." Antonio breaks down sobbing on that last sentence, causing Lovino to stand up and grab his hand. Antonio looks up at Lovino with teary eyes. He sees that Lovino is also in tears.
"I love you. I always will. But please move on from me." Whimpers Antonio. This causes Lovino to cry harder.
"I c-can't! I can't move on! I-I am in love with you Antonio!" He cries, burying his head in his shoulder. Antonio holds him close, both boys sobbing together in unison. Lovino pulls away.
"This c-can't be happening!" He yelps. He looks into Antonio's emerald eyes, that are green, but stained red from tears.
"It is." Says Antonio before pulling him in for one last, sad kiss. Their arms are wrapped around each other, and their lips are locked together, eyes closed. Lovino savours Antonio's strong arms around him, but Antonio pulls away.
"Dammit Antonio, I love you!" Lovino yells with emotion.
"I love you too, but that was our last kiss." Says Antonio.
"Goodbye everyone." Says Antonio, then he walks out of the door, leaving Lovino sobbing on the ground. His heart feels heavy and he wants to scream. Why? Why does the thing that makes him want to live have to leave his life?
"Antonio!" He screams, his family trying to comfort him.

Antonio feels a bit of guilt for leaving. But he also feels sad. He madly loves Lovino. His will power runs out and he gives in while still on the porch. He runs back into the unlocked house. He runs to Lovino who is still sobbing, and picks him up bridal style, capturing him in a needy kiss. Lovino clutches him, as if he is his lifeline.

Antonio places Lovino down and pulls away, but Lovino isn't done. He throws his arms back around Antonio and they continue to kiss. Lovino runs his hands through Antonio's soft curls and Antonio holds his waist. Antonio feels like home to Lovino, and he never wants the safe feeling to go away.

When they are finally done, Antonio nods at the family. Lovino's dad stands up and gives him a good hug.
"Good luck." He says.
"Okay, good bye for real now." He waves to everyone. And with that he leaves.

The rest of the day Lovino stays in his room. No one can come in without being cursed at in Italian. He is broken.

He is under the covers watching you tube when he receives a text from Antonio.

A: you alright?

L: I wish

A: I'm so so sorry

L: it's not your fault. How r u?

A: horrible. Wut have u been doing?

L: crying and watching videos

A: same

L: we shouldn't text

A: why? We can delete them after

L: it will make it it harder to move on

A: I know, I just can't take it. I'm so in love with you

L: I am in love with you. But there is nothing we can do.

A: I could be kicked out, disowned, and get a job and an apartment.

L: you are 17. Lets be real. We can't do this

A: you are right

L: bye

A: bye.

Lovino shuts off his phone. At least Antonio is thinking of him. The pain in his chest is stronger than before, and he just cries into his pillow.

Antonio is sitting in the washroom vomiting. His sobs grew so heavy it caused his body to actually vomit! His mom walks in.
"Why are you throwing up?" She asks.
"From sobbing so hard." He replies bitterly.
"You'll get over him, and find a great girl to make you happy." Says his mom. Antonio scoffs.
"Leave me alone." He says, noticing the feeling in his stomach again. As she leaves, he gags and pukes again into the toilet.
The rest of the school year is hard for them. Antonio gets ready to leave the school, while Lovino has another 2 years. Their friends know what happened, so they aren't surprised when they find them staring at each other in the halls. Or turning red at each other's presence for the rest of the school year.

Lovino's visions come back badly, along with all his other emotional problems, and he has no Antonio to hold him and keep him safe.

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