Ch.27 Force of the Military

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Force of the Military

It's not until the next day that I feel sore, used and bruised. I assure you, in the best way possible... but it doesn't help being awoken out of a pleasantly sweet dream in a dark room; with the lights being switched on to blind me.

I'm clutching onto a pillow, naked, my claws penetrating the flesh and spilling out the insides of the defenceless head-rester. The covers behind me feel shredded and messy like a ravaged dog-bed savaged by the dog, or a torn open duck feather pillow; yep, welcome to the life of Alyssa.

I can't help but think sourly as my hands clump together, sticky, and I realise as I groan and open my eyes, that it's because I got up half way through the day to eat the melted dessert, drink the creamy soda, and then I collapsed back into a sore heap and went back into a deep sleep.

Now... though... I peel my eyes open, still naked and clutching the ravaged pillow to see four pairs of eyes looking over me. I feel a poke in my rib cage from Ace and a pinch on my nose from Serge.

"Hey!" I snarl, opening my eyes wide quickly I suddenly sit up right, a sore, outright, naked mess. I chuck my torn pillow at Ace and look over my body. Bruised hips, thighs and tingly breasts and lower back, "I feel... wrecked..." I breathe out in a panic, "Why were you so rough?" I ask, glaring back at Serge as he did the worst damage which was just topped off by Dale's ass fucking afterwards.

"You were begging for it," Ace exclaims, shocked, "Literally begging for it..."

"The bruising was unavoidable," Serge sounds a little guilty but still backs up his team while I curl my fists and try not to punch him in the face.

"Unavoidable?" I ask, "I'm not saying I didn't have a good time, dickhead – I'm saying you didn't have to electrocute my fucking pussy –"

"Dale ordered me to teach you a lesson, so I did," Serge shrugs, glancing at Dale, who is simply watching on with amusement while holding my leotard.

"Get up, stop complaining and get dressed, kitten," Dale also chucks me a wet towel so I can wipe my hands off before passing me my outfit. I stay silent and glare at him, before glancing at Jose.

"I liked you the best," I tell Jose, "Would you like to kill the rest of them as you suggested?" I ask.

"What did I do wrong, Alyssa?" Ace looks so offended, he throws his arms up into the air and turns to storm from the room, "I'm grabbing my sniper and the car – hurry the fuck up, sweets."

I can't help it, Ace's constant attempt at lame jokes give me a corny idea and I suddenly smirk.

"If I'm sweets, Ace, you're salty," I call out, which actually makes Serge grin – for a second, then he remembers to scowl. Jose leans forward and grabs my hand, helping me sit further upright with a gentle touch to my palm.

"Doll," Jose leans forward, his free tattooed hand coming up to caress my jaw, "Seriously. Are you okay... after last night?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," I grumble as I push past him to stand up, feeling dirty. I take the opportunity to fold the warm cloth to a clean side and I rub it along my pussy and ass, "No offence... 'ladies'... I don't mind feeling sticky – but not before I get dressed."

"Doll, did we say you could clean up our mess?" Serge growls, joking about it after I'm already done. I watch as Dale steps forward, grabbing the cloth from me. He chucks it on the bed, to hurry me up.

"No offence, kitten," Dale also grabs my chin, tilting his head to the side as he looks down on me with his tyrian purple gaze, " need to move quicker – we're late."

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