Ch.51 The Devil of Frankincense City

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The Devil of Frankincense City

"Hacksaw. A ghost that slithers through shadows and solid concrete walls. Eating little children and influencing the mad minds of our city," Casey sits in the hospitalised level turned orphanage. Or perhaps it was better called the Paradise, since that is what any kid would consider such luxurious surroundings. Not only were the beds made and clean, but Casey moved all his electronics into the centre for the kids to play Old World games and watch movies and television. I sit with Viola, who is asleep on my shoulder whilst holding an open book in her hands. My Brownie Squad recline around me on assorted pillows, all napping instead of listening to Casey as he speaks of his ghost story, "His name, Hacksaw, is renown to be connected with his long silver mane of razor sharp hair. It cuts through anything and he uses it to deflect bullets and shred the hands of anyone who dares to try and attack him. He never shows himself in public. You'll never see him during the day. He lurks in old abandoned buildings and dark cold alley ways, waiting for the lonesome child to wander... and if he takes you, you'll never be seen again!"

"This is so not appropriate for these kids," I whisper under my breath to myself, but the twenty orphaned kids are entranced by the story, while two cots hold two sleeping babies; Avery and Sally. Their big brother, Jax, sits on a rocking chair by them, also listening to Casey's story with intense interest.

"None of it's true!" one of the kids call out, "It's just a stupid story."

"Huh!" Casey scoffs and almost drops his torch as he regains his grasp on it and his eyes search the crowd to find Viola sleeping on my shoulder, "My girlfriend used to live by his side," Casey explains, "His accomplice -" Casey halts as I shake my head, narrowing my eyes in a warning. It wasn't his place to give away V's secrets.

So, Casey listens to me, surprisingly, before he rolls his eyes as I smile in approval of him taking note of my advice.

"You know what? I'm bored," Casey holds out the torch and states, "Someone else go next, I'm tired," as he gives up with his story that easy, I try not to laugh. He was an emotional kid and but he knew not to push V's secrets out any further. Plus, I wasn't sure if she'd appreciate the girlfriend status since he was 9 freaking years old and they were just friends.

Another kid decides to stand up and tell a ghost story, while Casey steps around the group to silently make his way towards Viola and me. Casey sighs as he swipes up a pillow and sits opposite me, clasping his hands together and resting his chin on his hands.

"You've done a great job setting this place up," I give him a compliment to get him to smile but he just sighs again and frowns at V sleeping.

"We'll have to name it something," Casey murmurs, "Village of Kids? Kingdom? I can be the King?" He raises a brow, perking up at his own suggestion.

"I was thinking the Paradise," I answer back, "But I'm sure you can role-play a Kingdom with the kids if you get bored -"

"I'm in class with fifteen and sixteen year olds who bore me," Casey narrows his eyes, "I don't want to role play anything. If I make this a Kingdom - it'll be real and I will be a real King -"

"I think you'll have to ask Dale first, your megalomaniac father," I whisper, even though STRIKE have retired to another level; I assume for drinks.

"We all know he isn't my real father, but he is my dad," Casey admits, "You know, I better go to bed before Serge drags me up there and locks me in. Dad reckons he'll put a tracking collar on me if I try to escape one more time."

"Dale is just trying to protect you. And don't worry, I wouldn't ever let something like that happen to you," I promise Casey this while thinking of Dale's attempt at putting the bomb in my head a few hours ago.

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