ch. one

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Today was awful. I slammed my locker shut out of frustration. No way was this happening. I, Hayden Morrison, could not fail history. It was nothing but dates, places, and people. Failing was not something I was content with either.

"Hayden!" I sighed at the sound of my name slip from a perky being.

I didn't want to turn around. I didn't want to talk to anyone. Even if it was my best friend, Ivy Murphy.

She raced towards me with a huge smile to radiate her melanin skin. Her big brown eyes sparkled as her long, black curls bounced lusciously behind her.

I turned and gave her a look that said I wasn't feeling it.

"What's your deal?" She asked immediately changing her tone and raising her perfect eyebrow.

I sighed and handed her my paper from history with a big, fat D on it.

"This is my fourth D of the quarter. We are only three weeks in! I have no idea what's going on." I sighed.

Ivy took my paper and pouted. She returned it back to my hands. "Don't fret about it. One day, you look back and say 'At least I got the D that day'." She shrugged with a sly smile at er dirty joke.

Ivy always knew how to make me feel better. It was something about her personality that drew me to her. She kept everything honest. Never did a lie come out of her mouth.

"I wish I could cram all the knowledge in my head, but some things like that just don't stick in my fucking head." I sighed as we walked out of the double door.

Ivy stopped and grinned. I followed her gaze. "I spy two cuties." She looked straight at two guys in the parking lot.

Grayson and Ethan Dolan.

I scoffed at her gawking at them. They weren't that hot to me as everyone claimed they were. Grayson had the more innocent look, and Ethan was just a complete bad ass.

Grayson wore stuff like long sleeve sweatshirts for sports teams and beanies. Ethan leaned towards the expensive jackets and white pants kind of style.

I had to admit, they both were hot. I just didn't see them the way the other girls did.

"Ivy, they're just guys." I stared still hurt over my grade.

Ivy looked at me and laughed. "You must be out of your damn mind to think they're just guys. You are not from this planet. There's no way." She laughed and walked down the stairs closer to them.

I had no problem talking to them. They were cool dudes. Ivy knew them better than I did, but I didn't care. She could fawn over them while I tried my best to raise this ugly D to a pretty B with extra credit and corrections.

"My favorite twins." Ivy cooed walking up to them.

They smiled at her with their perfect teeth.

"Hey, Ivy." Ethan said nodding his head as he leaned against his black car.

I fell in behind her focusing on my paper. School was super important to me. I lived with doctors for parents; I had to have the best grades or they'd pull the plug on me.

"Hey, Hayden." Grayson called.

My name rolled off of his tongue so smoothly. I looked up before muttering a small hey. Ethan and Grayson looked at each other before turning back to Ivy.

"What are you girls doing tonight?" Grayson asked staring at us, but I paid no attention.

She looked back at me and shrugged. "I don't know. Miss Education back here is worried about this history stuff. Why? What do you guys have planned?"

Grayson smiled. "Party at our place. Bring a bathing suit, or wear it. Be there 9 PM sharp."

Ivy turned back to me and nudged my arm. I heard what they were saying, but I wasn't intrigued. I was too busy trying to figure out the correct answer to the ones I got wrong.

"What?" I asked looking up at them. I winced and sighed. "Sorry." I lowered my paper and looked up at them. "I don't know. I really need to study. This history stuff is killing me."

Ethan took a few steps closer to me and grabbed my paper. He looked over it and sighed. "I'll make you a deal."

I was all ears. "What?"

"You come to the party and loosen up and have fun, and I'll tutor you in history." He smiled.

I thought about the offer. "What's your grade?"

"A." He states proudly.



I looked at my helpless history paper and sighed. "I guess."

Grayson cheered. "Party time!"

Ethan smiled and winked at Ivy and I. "See you ladies later, then?"

Ivy nodded biting her lip. I wasn't affected by the wink or the smile.

Well, maybe a little.

"Don't forget your bathing suits!" Grayson called from the front seat of his truck.

Ethan got in his black BMW and brought the engine to life. Both of them pulled out of their parking spaces, and drove off.

I looked at Ivy worried. "I always let you put me in these stupid dilemmas."

I grunted and stormed off to my car. Ivy sighed and followed.

"You're welcome." She said getting into my small, red Cooper.

I threw all of my stuff in the back and started the little engine. My car was a wuss compared to the others, but I loved my wuss of a car. It was perfect on gas.

I pulled off out of the parking lot from the schoolyard feeling the weight of burdens, peer pressure, and tests being lifted off of my shoulders. I found a solid tutor within twelve, I actually had plans, and the guy I'm talking to had already called me seven times.

Fridays are a blessing to mankind.

thanks for reading 🍒

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