ch. seventeen

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I sat on the living room couch under Ethan's arm. It was dark, so w the left it that way; all of the lights were out except for the blazing colors of the tv.

I rested my hand under my head on Ethan's chest. I took a deep breath and sighed. Mr. Frost's words kept repeating in my head.

Out of all people, Wesley and Julie?

"Don't think about it." Ethan whispered.

I looked up at him for a brief second before turning my attention back to the tv showing I Love Lucy.

"I wish I didn't." I sighed.

Ethan gripped my body tighter. Being pressed up against him made me feel invincible. I was convinced that Ethan was an angel.

"You do know that instead of fighting with them, we could actually try and talk this out? I mean, we are almost adults. This is our time to be the bigger people." Ethan traced shapes on my arm.

I scoffed and rose from his chest. "Be the bigger people?"

Ethan looked around the room stunned. "Well, yeah. Is that a bad thing?"

"No, but why should we give into Julie's little game? She wants us to be the bigger people so she can find a way to ease her way into this." I said wiping my forehead.

Ethan laughed. "Hayden, are you fucking serious right now?"

I scrunched my eyebrows. "Are you fucking serious right now?" I rolled my eyes and sunk into the couch as far away as possible from Ethan. "Be the bigger person, my ass." I mumbled.

Ethan stared at me. I wasn't giving in. I stared at the tv praying that he'd just give up. Instead, he laid his hand on my thigh and leaned closer.

"Hayden..." His voice was low.

I felt a smirk tugging at my lips. "Don't fucking touch me." I pushed his hand away trying to keep my composure.

He sighed. "I'll do it."

I turned and looked at him. "What?"

Ethan took no hesitation and pounced on me. Our lips connected like magnets. I pushed at his chest, but I didn't want him to leave. His hand snaked up to my neck allowing his thumb to rest under my jaw and his other four fingers supported the back of my neck.

My hands swept up and down his thighs. I fell into the kiss and smiled. Ethan pulled me closer to him making me rise. I hovered above him as he sat on the couch and I was on my knees.

His hands slid to my hips and he guided me to straddle him. I positioned myself on his lap and moaned.

Ethan did the same thing. Our kisses were loud. It was mixed together with moans, the tv, and the occasional sound of car horns.

Ethan broke the kiss. I stared at his lips and whined. "Ethan, stop."

He pulled me closer, if it was even possible. "Now, can you be the bigger person?"

Little bitch tricked me.

I rolled my eyes and scoffed. "Fine. I'll be the bigger person."

Ethan smiled. "Good girl."

I pinched his cheeks and continued to mess with him until he laid me on the couch and began to tickle me. I laughed until it hurt to laugh anymore. Ethan got tired and decided to lay behind me on the couch. I faced him with my back facing the tv, and examined his features.

Ethan was chiseled to perfection.

I ran a hand down his cheekbone and rested my thumb on his plump lips. He kissed my nose and pulled me closer. We both drifted off to a sleep so immaculate, it was unreal.

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