ch. nine

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At the house, Ethan was strictly business. He made me sit with my legs over his lap. He claimed it kept me focused.

I opened my textbook and read the first few lines. I was already bored to death.

"This isn't fun. You said you were going to make this fun." I whined shutting my book.

Ethan sighed and looked at me. "Hayden, we've been studying for two minutes. Can't you try to go longer than that?"

"I don't know. You seem like the type to bust within two seconds." I shrugged.

I was getting comfortable. Ethan was easy to be funny with.

"I can go longer than two seconds." He defended.

I raised my eyebrows. "So you're not a virgin?"

Ethan's eyes widened and he shook his head. "No! I'm a virgin, but I've had my fair share of studying sexual things."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Masturbating to porn is not the same thing as having sexual encounters." I stared at him with a serious look. "It's kind of creepy."

We both laughed. Ethan blushed a bright pink and tackled me backwards onto the couch. I felt my back being secure by his big arms.

So soft, yet so tough.

I looked at his eyes and felt my breathing slow down.

"Is it creepy that I really want to kiss you right now?" Ethan whispered as the gap between us closed slowly.

I barely shook my head biting my lip. Ethan lowered his gaze to my lips and tilted his head slowly. His hands slid down to my hips.

Our lips brushed against each other hesitantly. My heart was thumping rapidly. Ethan moaned slightly before crashing his lips on mine. It felt so right.

My fingers combed through his hair. Ethan brought his hand up to my cheek brushing the hairs away gently.

I opened my eyes for a brief second and saw Wesley. I closed my eyes and pushed at his chest breaking the kiss as I screamed in terror.

"Stop, Wesley!" I shouted.

I opened my eyes to see Ethan sitting there confused.

"Wesley?" Ethan whispered.

I sunk down into the couch and began to cry. I was terrified of Wesley. I didn't realize it until now. I was absolutely scared of him. Ever since he left that bruise on my wrist, I never saw the nice guy I knew; I only saw a brutal Wesley.

Ethan cupped my face with his hands. "Wesley won't hurt you anymore. I promise."

I fell into his chest and sobbed harder. Wesley disappeared since the night my dad yelled at him, but I didn't really show my fear.

I could hear Ethan's heartbeat thinking against my ear. He smelled so good. His plump lips pecked at my head repeatedly. I closed my eyes and calmed down. I just wanted to be with Ethan.


At dinner, I called mom and dad. They were almost to France by now. Mom said the flight was going great. I gave them the small update on my life. We talked for hours on end.

Ethan sat by my side the entire time, too. He claimed he was staying over. He didn't want me to feel unsafe. I didn't object.

I ended the call with my parents and turned my attention back to Ethan. It was almost eleven. He smiled at me weakly.

"I promise it's okay." He whispered.

I looked up at him and smiled back. "You don't have to stay. I'd manage alone. I have before."

Ethan sighed. "Yeah, but this time is different. What if Wesley does come over and you're all alone? Who'd protect you?"

I looked at the door scared that Wesley would jump straight through at any second. Instead, my phone chimed.

I picked it up and saw a message from Wesley. Ethan read the message with me.

Wesley: i know that you probably
don't wanna talk to me, but i
just want to apologize for all
i put you through... i know we
broke up in a way, but it was
never officially done. so if you
still want to try to make us work
let me know. i'm not in town right
now. i'm with my dad out in
NY rn. i need to control my anger.
i don't wanna hurt you anymore.
i love you baby.

Ethan took my phone out of my hand and began to type away. I didn't fight him for my phone. I didn't really want to start an argument with him.

I heard the swoosh sound. Ethan handed me my phone and I read the message he sent.

Wes, i don't like you anymore...
you hurt me pretty bad. i think it
would be best if we just drop our
feelings and see new people. i've
already gotten a head start... i kind
of found someone else. you should
do the same. delete my number and
just forget what we had. it's over. i'm

My heart shattered. 'Forget what we had'. How could I ever forget what Wesley and I had? Wesley was my first boyfriend. I didn't love him anymore, but I did at the same time.

I locked my phone and sighed. Ethan lifted my head and looked at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, Ethan." I said with attitude.

Ethan lifted me up and made me face him. I stared into his eyes and frowned.

"Are you seriously thinking about Wesley?" He asked getting mad. I looked down at my hands and shrugged. Ethan sighed. "You have to forget about him, Hayden."

I felt it. All of my anger was about to burst.

"How?" I screamed. "How can I just drop all the memories that Wesley and I had within days of a nasty breakup? Wesley was my first boyfriend for almost two years! I can't just forget him, Ethan." I felt the tears streak my face.

Ethan softened up. "Hayden, I know. He will always be in your heart, but you can't love him forever. He's not a good guy. You have to let him go." His hands clasped over mine.

I knew he was right, but I kept denying it. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't hate Wesley. I had reasons to, but I couldn't make myself hate him.

Ethan smiled weakly. "It's going to take time."

I smiled back at him. He used his thumb to wipe away my tears. I laid my head into his hand. I felt so safe with Ethan. He was like my guardian angel.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Don't be." Ethan whispered back.

He laid down behind me on the couch. His arms latched around my body. I could feel his short breaths on the back of my neck. My thumb ran over his knuckles as lightly kissed my shoulder.

"Good night, E." I whispered.

"Good night, H."

I closed my eyes and drifted off into a deep sleep. Ethan's grip on me tightened. I could feel his length rubbing against my cheeks. A blush rose to my face, but I kept quiet and tried my best to sleep.

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