ch. fifteen

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The next morning, I woke up to my alarm. I turned it off and groaned.

More school. More irrelevant people. Yay.

I rolled out of bed and felt a weird gushy substance squish between my legs. I slowly made my way to the bathroom. Every step was followed by the sound of a squish.

I felt absolutely disgusting.

I turned on the light and looked at my self in the mirror. A giant red spot sat on my butt.

"Shit!" I whined.

I shuffled through the cabinets above the sink to find my lady stuff. I pulled out the Playtex box and discovered a tampon. I sighed to myself at the thought of having to shove this up there the next few days.

I did my process and got dressed for school. I was cramping bad and popped a few pain killing pills. I looked at myself in the mirror. My hair was frizzy, my stomach was bloated, my face was pale, and my posture sucked.

I looked like a whale.

I brushed through my hair and put it in a cute messy bun. After eighty tries, I finally got it how I wanted it.

I threw on my trusty black sweats and a cute short sleeve, blue v-neck from Nike. I matched my outfit with my white Nikes.

Ethan called me six times. I fumbled around to find my phone in my bed sheets. I flapped them up and down rapidly until my phone went flying across the room. I prayed the screen didn't crack.

I picked it up off the ground and smiled. No cracked screens today. I opened it and dialed Ethan back.

"Hey, I'm outside." His voice was deep.

I walked to my window and saw him sitting on his car with flowers. My heart melted and I felt my emotions kicking in.

My period was going to make Ethan hate me.

"I'm coming." I smiled.

He hung up. I grabbed my backpack and glided down the stairs and out the door. I skipped to Ethan's car.

He rose off his hood and welcomed me in a hug. "Good morning, baby." Ethan's lips rested in my forehead as I soaked in every second of his hug.

"Good morning, E." I whispered into his chest.

I was still groggy and slow and felt myself drifting to sleep in his arms. He laughed and woke me up.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I looked up and sighed. "No..." I whined.

Ethan held my hand and pouted. "Aw, poor, baby, what's wrong?"

I looked at our fidgeting fingers and smiled weakly. He's about to freak out.

"I'm on my period." I looked up into his hazel eyes expecting some sort of shock.

He nodded and stepped closer. "Then, let's get in the car and we can go get a donut and hot coffee."

I furrowed my brows. "You're not grossed out?"

"Hayden..." Ethan took his turn being confused. "Why would I be grossed out? You're body does what it does. I know it's not all perfect. I've lived with two women."

I smiled and felt myself blushing. He led me to the car and got in himself. For some reason, it smelt better than before. I inhaled deeply and exhaled with a sigh of satisfaction.


"You have chocolate?" I asked.

Ethan started the car, the. reached into the back seat. He brought a white box with a pink bow to the front of the car and opened it.

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