ch. fourteen

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"Here are your review packets. These are due next Friday before the exam." Mr. Frost handed out the hugest packets I've ever seen.

I accepted the pack of papers and flipped through it. It was an entire thirty pages. How was I supposed to remember thirty pages worth of history in a week?

I groaned and packed my stuff as the bell rang for lunch. I kept flipping through the packet down the hall. Ethan met me at my locker.

"You get the packet?" He asked cheerfully.

I looked at him like he was stupid. "Why did you ask that like it was a good thing?"

Ethan sighed and leaned on a locker beside my open one. "It'll give me a chance to work on my system."

I threw my binder into the metal compartment before slamming the door shut. Ethan pushed my hair back and laughed.

"What?" I said looking at the texts from Ivy.

"You still have a small bruise from the hickey I gave you Saturday morning." He rubbed it contently.

I pushed his hand away and smiled. "I'll get you back."

He intertwined our fingers and walked me down the hall to the cafeteria. Ivy was blowing up my phone telling me to hurry up. I had no idea why.

We reached the double doors and saw Julie sitting beside Ivy. My smile dropped and was replaced with rage. Ethan squeezed my hand. I calmed down a little bit before getting in line to get my chips and water.

I paid for it and went to sit down beside Grayson. Ivy sat diagonal from me. Julie sat right in front of me.

"Hayden..." Julie called with a fake voice.

I cringed at her and minded to my chips. She leaned forward with her elbows on the table. Ethan made his way to his seat.

I looked up at him as I chomped on a cheeto angrily. He laid a hand on my thigh helping soothe me out.

Julie sighed, "Ethan, don't you remember today? Today was that day for you about two years ago."

Ethan stopped eating and glared at her. I was confused and looked at Grayson. He acted like he didn't hear her talking. Ivy stayed focused on the window. I stared at her and tilted my head.

I was about to start a riot.

"Can't you just fucking leave? Ethan doesn't like you. Get over it." I said.

Julie smiled. "Poor, Hayden. You really think Ethan would give me up for you just because he doesn't like me?" She looked at Ethan. "You really don't know your man."

I looked at Ethan. He rolled his eyes but kept quiet.

"Shut the fuck up, Julie! You know good and damn well that I am just a better person than you overall. You can't accept the fact that I, Hayden Morrison, stole your man. Get over yourself." I began to shout.

Ethan's jaw clenched up and he squeezed my wrist. "Hayden, stop."

"I am over myself. You didn't steal him either. I can take him back. It's so easy." Julie flipped her hair.

"No, Julie, you can't." Ethan spoke up.

Her smiled dropped and mine rose back up to my face. I looked at him. He stared Julie straight in the face and said, "I never loved you. I thought I did. Except I don't."

I turned to look at Julie. She nodded slowly. "Well, Ethan, have fun with your little virgin of a girlfriend. If you ever want to have fun, you know where to find me." She blew him a kiss.

Hickeys | Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now