ch. twenty-two

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Ethan pulled up to the skate park. I felt the butterflies rising to my stomach. No one was around. It was just us.

We got out and made our way over to the tall structures. I stuck my hands in my back
pocket and took in my surroundings.

Ethan smiled at me. "You're so gorgeous."

He smiles a lot... I love that.

"Stop." I blushed and twisted awkwardly to hide my face.

"Why?" He grabbed my wrists and exposed my red face. "You truly are beautiful."

I looked up over his shoulder and pursed my
lips together. "Thanks."

He winked and let go of me. I felt the cool breeze wrap around my body. I wished they were Ethan's arms doing the wrapping instead.

Ethan ran up the half-pipe and stood at the top with his board in his hands. I covered my eyes from the sun since my eyelashes weren't much help.

"Don't bust your ass." I called.

Ethan shot me a look and laughed. "I'll bust yours."

My cheeks heated up. I watched Ethan from a decent distance as he swayed back and forth on his board. He flew threw the air gracefully, then stopped at the top.

"Your turn." He called.

I shook my head and waved my arms. "No way."

Ethan jumped down from the half-pipe and walked over to me. He laid his board before my feet. "Hop on."

I looked at the board, then at Ethan. "If I die, it's your fault."

Ethan rolled his eyes. I placed my hands on his shoulders and he put his on my waist. I stepped up on the wobbly board hesitantly. My weight shifted it a little from underneath me making me whimper in fear.

I brought my other foot up to the board and stood there shaking in Ethan's hands. His grip tightened on my waist as he watched my feet.

"Spread them farther." He said.


His hazel eyes met my blue ones. "Your legs; spread them." I did as he said and widened my stance. He pushed down on my waist making me bend my knees. He smiled and nodded. "You learn fast."

We laughed as the silence surrounded us. Occasionally, a bird would chirp or a car off in the distance would honk.

Ethan began to walk and push me on the board at the same time. I began to shake but eventually got the hang of it. I kept my cool.

The cool air blowing on my face was everything. I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. Ethan chuckled softly. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "What?"

"I can tell you enjoy this. And it makes me happy to know we can do this again." Ethan slowed down and came to a stop.

I stepped off the board and looked at him. "I just want to hear the story of you busting your ass in Jersey."

Ethan scratched his chin. "Give me one good reason I should."

"I'm cute as fuck." I said.

"I can't argue with that." Ethan sighed.

I shook my head. "You really can't.."

"How about I just tell you the story because I want to and you listen? Then, we let whatever do it's own thing." Ethan smiled.

I shrugged. "Whatever floats your boat."

Ethan grabbed my hand and led me to the half-pipe. He ran up one side. I watched him. He turned around, held out a hand, and instructed, "Run."

Hickeys | Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now