ch. twenty-three

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Later that night, Julie and Wesley showed up at my door. We really had to study. Mr. Frost would know something was up.

"Come in." I whispered as they both walked passed me to the living room.

"Cute home." Julie said dropping her bag by the couch.

Ethan looked up but didn't speak. He stared into his screen refreshing his instagram only to see the same photos from before. Wesley sat beside him.

We all sat in the room quietly. So much tension was growing. I could see Julie staring directly at Ethan. He shrugged her off, but I just couldn't understand what her deal was.

"So? This is a great study group." Wesley clapped his hands.

Ethan sighed and shoved his phone into his pocket. "Okay."

Julie turned her attention to me. "Wait, you two weren't at school today."

"And?" Ethan laughed.

"You have no idea what we're talking about in history, so how can we study?" Julie sighed.

Ethan scrunched his brows. "Julie, I know a lot of history. I don't have to be in class to know why things happened."

I laughed at Ethan's sass. Ever since I announced that they were coming to the house a few minutes earlier, he's been in a mood.

"Well, then help us understand." Julie snapped.

Wesley fiddled around with his pencil and pretended to skip over his notes. I sat off to the side hiding my face trying not to laugh. Ethan's face was priceless.

"What did you guys talk about today?" He sighed.

Everyone grabbed their textbooks and waited as Julie flopped the pages. She stopped and read the title.

"We talked about how the English stole from the Indians."

"So early colonization?" I added.

Julie shot me a look. "Whatever."

Ethan looked at me and frowned.

What did I do?

Wesley coughed, then began to speak. "So why did the English exactly steal from the Indians?"

Ethan looked at Wesley and nodded. "The English weren't used to the new land, and pretty much took advantage of the Indians, taking over there land, food, and even people."

Wesley nodded. "Can you put it in like a simpler example?"

Julie smirked. They were planning something.

"Yeah, totally." Ethan sat up and thought for a second. "Okay, let's say you get the newest phone, and I take it. Remember, I've never had a phone, and I don't speak the same language as you or follow the same policies. Where I'm from stealing isn't a thing." Ethan looked at the ceiling. "And it makes it harder for me to comprehend why you're upset but I know you're upset. You understand?"

I watched Wesley. He looked at Julie and sighed. "I actually do. You've stolen from me before."

Everyone went silent.

"Huh?" Ethan squinted his eyes.

Wesley's jaw clenched. "You stole Hayden away from me. Hayden is the newest phone. You took her, knew I was mad, but didn't care because your policies are not the same as mine." His voice bounced off the walls.

"That's not the same thing at all, Wesley." I said.

He gave the same look from the night we broke up. I sunk into the couch.

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