ch. seven

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Ethan ate his plate in less than four minutes. My dad laughed at him in amusement. My mom stared at him as if she were just completely in love with him.

I stared at my parents, then back at Ethan as he slurped the pasta noodles into his mouth. Everyone was silent as Ethan's lips went to work on his food.

I dropped my fork and held my head in my hand.

After a while, he looked up and wiped his lips. He gulped down his food and sighed. "Mrs. Morrison, that was marvelous."

My mom blushed and looked at my dad. "Oh, thank you, Ethan."

I sat there in shock as my parents were literally drooling over Ethan. They fell for him hard. Too hard.

"You and my mom should cook together one day. She's always asking what to cook and looking up how to cook it. Don't get me wrong, my mom is the bomb in the kitchen, but man," Ethan wiped his eyebrow, "that was magic on a plate."

My dad laughed his deep, sophisticated laugh and pointed a finger at Ethan.

Daddy likes Ethan. My father likes Ethan. It's only been ten minutes since they met him.

My mom looked at me and smiled. "Hayden, what do you plan to do while me and your father are away for the week?"

It was nice she was trying to include me in the conversation. I didn't want to talk, but it was still a nice thought that they didn't forget I was right across the table from them.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked at Ethan. "Study, eat, hang with Ivy. The usual."

Ethan laughed. "Ha, you're so funny, Hayden." I looked at him confused. He patted my hand on the table and looked into my blue eyes with his dark hazel ones. "We are actually going to go out and enjoy this weather we're having. You shouldn't stress about your grades too much. We're still young; we can't go cliff jumping when we're ninety."

"Cliff jumping?" I said reaching for my cup.

Ethan smiled and looked at my parents. "Me and my twin brother, Grayson, always go cliff jumping. I don't do it unless it's safe, so it's not that bad. It's like jumping off of a diving board."

I looked at my dad. He raised and eyebrow and put another forkful of spaghetti in his mouth.

"I don't know. I'll watch, b-"

My mom sighed. "Hayden, Ethan's right. Do something for once! Let me yell at you for doing something wrong. You're such a goody goody." She joked. "I will say this though, if you're going to do something bad, don't give me a grandchild."

I almost choked on my tea. "Mom!?"

Dad laughed with Ethan as my eyes almost popped out of my head. I felt the blushies coming back.

"What?" She tore up the breadstick and put a chunk in her mouth.

I looked down at my food. Ethan sat beside me and slipped his hand onto mine for comfort. He tried to teach me how to loosen up a few days ago, but now I was super uptight. The lesson didn't help.

Ethan looked at his phone and sighed. "Oh, I gotta run. Thank you so much for letting dine in your fabulous house. It's greatly appreciated. I'll have to return the favor and let Hayden eat at my house one day." He looked down and winked at me.

Did he really just wink?

"I'd love to stay and chat, but I already promised my mom I'd be home. Thank you, again." He smiled, shook my parents hands, and kissed me on the hand.

He grabbed his jacket and waved goodbye before leaving the house. I sat at the table with my parents staring straight into my soul.

I looked up and sighed. "What?"

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