ch. eight

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The next morning, Ethan did as I demanded the night before. He was at my front door, ready to go at 8:00 AM on the dot.

"Good morning, gorgeous." Ethan cooed as I opened the door.

He looked super good. His hair was the same, messy clump of brown. Ethan wore a white v-neck, dark jeans, and his white vans.

"Good morning, handsome." I replied as he walked into the house.

I shut the door and led Ethan up to my room. He was patient waiting on me to pack everything.

"You're actually so pretty. I'm not even lying, Hayden." He laughed.

I blushed and zipped my backpack before slinging it over my shoulder. "Stop, Ethan."

Ethan blocked the doorway and stared at me. "Don't deny it, Hayden."

I could smell his cologne. It was so sexy and sweet at the same time. My eyes averted to the floor and I blushed.

I was pretty. I'm not self conceited or anything, but I was a spitting image of my mom. There was no other way to describe her except beautiful, graceful, and petite. I just happened to scoop up those traits from her.

"I'm not denying anything." I said laughing.

Ethan lifted my head so I was staring into his eyes. "Kiss me, then."

I scoffed. "Ethan! I don't kiss on the first date." I pushed passed his body and walked down the stairs as my bag jiggled on my back.

"So this is a date?" Ethan called as he followed me down the stairs.

I sighed. "No."

"Liar." Ethan laid his arm around my arm and led me out to his car.

I laughed and pushed him away only to go with him. His grip was tight. Ethan let me go and opened my door. I got into his car and strapped up. Ethan got into the drivers' seat and stared at me.

"What, Ethan?" I said blushing. He didn't move. He just stared at me. I knew what he wanted me to do, but I wasn't going to let it throw me off. "No, Ethan."

He continued to stare at me with his innocent hazel eyes. I was caving in a little, but kept my ground.

"Just say it." He whined.

I rolled my eyes and huffed. If I didn't say it, we'd be late. So I said it.

"Fine, this is a date." I sighed. "Happy now?"

He kissed my hand and smiled. "Indeed I am."


Ivy and I sat in history with Mr. Frost and his boring lecture about the Industrial Revolution. I texted Ethan instead.


this class is so boring :(

you have to pay
attention :(

ew no.

I smiled at our mini conversation. Until Mr. Frost took my phone.

"You can have this back at the end of class." He tried to be stern.

I rolled my eyes and sunk down into my chair. I know I was supposed to care about my education, which I do, but history just hit a certain nerve in me.

I didn't like it. I couldn't do it. If I could, I would drop out of history all together.

"The Industrial Revolution was a major step forward into the manufacturing world. It led to skyscrapers, railroads, factories, and so much more that we use in our daily life." Mr. Frost continued.

I stared at him with an annoyed look. Ivy tapped my desk gaining my attention. I looked at her and yawned.

"Ethan said to pay attention, because if you don't answer his question right, he's gonna get you." Ivy shrugged and returned to her own little world.

I slumped back down into my chair and propped my head with my hand. This day was going by so slow.


At lunch, Grayson and Ethan ate with Ivy and I at our signature table. Ivy and I sat on one side with the boys across from us.

"How was history?" Ethan asked chowing down on a fry.

I nodded and threw up a gesture meaning 'same old boring class' with my hand. Ethan looked at me and sighed.

"What?" I asked eating my chips.

Ethan looked at me and smiled. "Answer this. You get it wrong, and I'll tutor you today and every day after school."

I looked at him with no fear. "You don't scare me. And I asked you to tutor me anyways. We haven't done a lot of that."

Grayson snickered to himself. Ivy punched his arm making him stop.

"Well, you should listen in class and I wouldn't have to tutor you." Ethan fired.

"Ask the damn question." I laughed.

Ethan dropped his fry back on his tray and looked at me dead in the eye. "Hayden, what did the Industrial Revolution provide?"

I looked at him and went blank. "Your eyes are so pretty."

Ethan frowned. I blushed and looked down at my chip bag.

"That's what I thought." Ethan chuckled.

I threw a chip at him laughing back. We all enjoyed each other's company until the bell rang for the last class of the day. Ethan and I made our way down to the PE locker rooms. He held my hand.

"Why did you threaten me?" I asked breaking the silence.

"Hm?" He furrowed his brows. "I didn't threaten you; I was proving a point."

I nodded. "And the point?" I asked.

"The point was you don't care about history, so I'm going to make it fun for you." His voice dropped dramatically.

I felt shivers shoot down my spine. His touch was suddenly electric. Ethan was becoming my kryptonite.

"How can you make history fun?" I asked rolling my eyes.

He stared at me and raised his eyebrows. "I'll tell you when we get to your place and you get a question right. You'll see. It's a fun way to get the right answers."

He squeezed my hand before kissing me on the cheek. "Be good."

"What are you? My dad?" I laughed.

Ethan let go of my hand and walked backwards. "I can be."

I flipped him off and made my way into the girls' locker room to get ready for the last class of the day.

My head kept wandering back to Ethan.He walked across the school with me. He held my hand. He kissed my forehead.

Is that too fast?

I opened my locker and shook my head. Ethan was a caring guy. He wouldn't express false feelings just to get into my pants.


Hickeys | Ethan DolanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon