ch. twenty-six

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You did it, Hayden.

I looked at myself in the mirror. The blue gown and cap looked amazing. Daddy came in to see.

"My baby girl. You're graduating tonight." My dad's rough voice was somewhat soothing.

I smiled at him through the mirror. "It's insane to think about." I said.

He sighed and wiped the corner of his mouth. "Is Ethan coming over tonight?"

I turned around and smiled even bigger. "Most likely."

Dad nodded and began to slowly back out of my doorway. I picked up my phone and fumbled to get to the group chat.


we're graduating tonight!!!

ivy: cri.

jack: hell yeah! we out
this bitch.

gray: the hype is real

julie: ^^i agree

I was watching the messages flood my phone. Everything was better in a way. I didn't know I could go through hell, make new friends, and keep a pretty awesome guy by my side.

Ethan's name popped up in an individual message.

E 🌹

you're getting a pretty
good surprise tonight.

what kind of surprise??

it involves us, no clothes,
your sheets, and a lot of

I bit my lip. He knew all of my weaknesses, but I didn't care at all.

what if there is any

then we make some 😼

I laughed at his last message. I knew Ethan was having withdrawals. These last few months, we made a promise that if we study, we have to actually study. I can't get sidetracked, and I have to pass my history exam.

We did exactly that. Ethan earned his prize. I can't back out now.

creating tension sounds fun.
explain the process to me pls

well, i start by kissing you
lightly. then, i'lluse my arms
to pull you close to me. one
moan will escape your pretty
little lips. i'll bite your lips
making them plumper than
usual, making you moan
again. once i have you under
my spell, i'll leave giant
hickeys on your neck and
body. you'll moan a little
louder and beg me to fuck
you, but I'll make you wait.
the tension will build and
you'll crave me the way I've
been craving you these past
few months. after you squirm
and try to get away, ill pull
you back and fuck you the
way you need to be. i'll nibble
on your ear and whisper all
the things i love about you.
you'll whimper and enjoy
every second of it. bc i'm
daddy and i said so. 😏

I read the message holding my neck. Ethan knew just what to say. I licked my lips and sighed.

I would never have survived senior year without him. Ethan was my support. He helped me through more than enough.

I was hooked on Ethan Dolan. Always have been, and always will be.


I sat in the line to enter the stadium for the ceremony. I picked at the tassel on my cap. Ethan came pushing through the people.

"Hey, I forgot one thing." He said pulling me close to his body.

I looked up at him and smiled. "What?"

He bit his lip and looked at mine. He inched closer until he was only centimeters away. Our lips connected for a split second before Ethan broke it.

"My bad, I forgot you'll have to wait three hours for more. Gotta jet." He winked and ran back to get in his spot.

Ethan was creating tension. He was creating tension at a graduation ceremony. What a tease.

The music started and line slowly started to move. Everyone swayed one way to the other in a synchronized motion. We filled the chairs as parents clapped and flashes of cameras blinded us.

I sat down in my seat and felt a smile tug at my lips. High school was over. My life was starting. Ethan and I were still going strong. Everything was great.

"Parents, friends, family, and staff, we all accompany the class of two thousand seventeen in a celebration of their hard work and dedication. At this time, I'll call Ms. Ella, this year's valedictorian to the stand." Principal Briggs said.

Ella stood up from her seat and made her way to the podium. Jack clapped louder than everyone in the stadium.

"That's my baby! Go, Ella. Work it, honey!" Jack stood and shouted.

Everyone laughed lightly as Ella blushed. They were so cute together. It physically made my heart jump with joy.

Ella cleared her throat and began to speak. "High school is tough. The homework, tests, people, all of it. High school is meant to be that way. It helped shape all of us into the graduates we are tonight." She smiled and laid her cards down.

She wasn't doing her original speech. Ella was free balling it.

"High school was dreadful. But you can't say there weren't little things you loved about this place." Ella paused. "Our friends, that special somebody, or even the tacos."

The crowd laughed.

"This school was like a second home to us. It brought us together and allowed us to actually find our people. I would be bored out of my mind without this place. I never would have met my friends. I wouldn't have been able to prove myself." She held up one finger. "But the school is here, I met my friends and I proved myself. Everyone in the blue caps proved themselves in one way or another."

I smiled at Ella as she looked at me.

"These past four years were an obstacle, but we all made it through. We are champions. Never forget that, class of twenty seventeen. Thank you." Ella looked over at Mr. Briggs. He clapped and walked to Ella to give her a hug.

The stadium rumbled with cheers, whistles, and clapping. It was beautiful.

I looked through the blue caps and saw Ethan looking at me intently. I blushed and lowered my hands.

I thought about Ella's words. I proved myself. I made it through the obstacle. I did love this place. I found my people.

I found my person.
thanks for reading 🍒
the end. ❤️

Hickeys | Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now