ch. twelve

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I watched as Ethan and his friends skated up and down the ramp at frightening speeds. The girl who was eyeing me up and down was pretty chill. She was close to the boys. She grew up with them in Jersey and left for LA before the twins did.

She was beyond gorgeous, too. Her hair was jet black and straight. She had blue eyes to match and the perfect little nose surrounded by freckles. I felt intimidated by her.

"I didn't catch your name." I said watching as the boys laughed at some dude lying on the ground.

She looked at me and smiled. "Bethany."

I didn't expect her name to be so normal. I was looking for a unique name to fit her. Bethany just didn't look like her.

Not one bit.

"I know. I don't look like a Bethany, but that's my name." She laughed. "I go by B, sometimes."

I liked it. "Can I call you B?"

She nodded. "Everyone does."

We watched the boys do more tricks. Ethan went down the half pipe and landed on the other side and froze. He winked at me and continued to sway back and forth down the structure.

I watched with a smile. Ethan was a lot more different than I thought. I had no idea he skated this well.

He hopped off his board and walked over to me. A smile was plastered on his sweaty face. I couldn't blame him for sweating. It was almost one hundred degrees.

"You ready?" He asked stopping in front of me.

I looked up at him. "We just got here."

"No! You're here to learn how to skate." Ethan smiled.

My heart dropped to my ass. No way was I going to skate on that death trap on four wheels.

"I don't think that's a good idea." I sighed.

"Maybe later. When no one is around. It would be embarrassing to be this cute and fall in front of all of these dudes." Ethan joked.

I rolled my eyes. "It'd be embarrassing to fall in front of you."

B sat beside me stifling her laugh. "Sorry. I'm just thinking of the first time Ethan ate it."

Ethan gave her a death glare. "Stop, B."

She cackled even louder making Ethan turn pink. I looked up at him and smirked. "You ate it?"

B hit my shoulder. "He didn't eat it; he devoured it."

I looked up at Ethan and laughed. He hid his face and laughed himself. "That was a long time ago. Stop."

"It was back in New Jersey-" B started.

"Stop!" Ethan laughed.

B and I laughed as Ethan turned into a blushing mess. It was so adorable.

"Why can't I hear it?" I asked.

Ethan looked at me and sighed. "Later. I'll tell you when you bust your ass the first time. Deal?"

He stuck out his hand. I looked at it and shook it.



I came back to the house to change into my party clothes. My parents still haven't called me and I wondering how France was going. I was about to call my mom when Ethan's name appeared.

"Hello?" I smiled.

"You ready, boo?" Ethan laughed.

I forgot Ethan was waiting for me downstairs. I said I'd only be a minute, but it has been about forty-five minutes.

Hickeys | Ethan DolanWhere stories live. Discover now