Just another day

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'God, I hate this fuckin' school.' Ashley thinks as she walks through the loud, crowded halls of King High. It's a pretty nice day in LaLa land. The sun is shining and the streets are buzzing with its normal activity. But for Ashley, it's just another day of her "so called" life. A mess is more like it. She doesn't even know why she's at school. It's not like she comes in half the time anyways. And the hangover she has feels like she got hit by a truck ten times over. Keeping her sunglasses firmly in place, she walks over to her locker.

"Well look who it is. The lesbian reject. Had fun last night with your girlfriends? You didn't spread anything to them did you?"

Ashley freezes at the sound of that voice. She slowly turns around and sure enough it's the one person she does NOT want to see. Madison. And what do you know, her cheerbitchy clones too.

"Aww, Madison! So sweet of you to be concerned! But, I'm pretty sure you weren't saying that last night when you were screamin' my name. You seemed to enjoy it." Ashley says with a smug smirk on her face. She turns back to close her locker. Madison stands dumbfounded for a second before snapping out of it.

"Like I would ever want to become a slut loser like you. Ladies, let's bounce." Madison and her clones walk away snickering the whole time.

"Don't let her get to you. You know she's always a bitch." Ashley turns around to face her sister. Or half-sister. Kyla had started living with her almost 3 years ago after their father died. When they had first met back when they were little, she had been a bratty little bitch to her but Kyla quickly showed Ashley that she was just there to meet her big sister. Now, Kyla is the only person that Ashley trusts the most, especially now that they live together.

"Yeah, well she and her she-demons just made my day go from crappy to shitty. I don't know how the hell we were friends at all." Kyla and Ashley start making their way to class.

"Anyway. Enough about the cheerbitch. How are you and Aiden doing?" Ashley asks. Kyla smiles at the mention of her boyfriend of four months. Her and Aiden had be doing great. He happened to be one out of the two friends Ashley had and trusted, even though he was a dork.

"We're great. He's so sweet and Friday night we have a date. Sooo... you think I could go shopping in your closet?" Kyla asks, glancing at her sister. Ashley just turns to her and smirks, eyebrow raised.

"Ohh, come on, Pleeaase! I promise to... to um... wash your car for 2 weeks, a month!" Kyla pleads, bottom lip sticking out with the puppy dog eyes.

"Alright. Alright. Jeez. Just put the face away." Ashley laughs, shoving her sister a little.

"Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! You're the best!" Kyla says, pulling Ashley in for a huge hug. Ashley just smiles, returning the hug.

"So, uh, how are you doin'? You came in pretty late last night." Kyla asks as casual as possible. In truth, she's worried about Ashley. She's always out partying and always coming home drunk or high or even both. And some nights, she can hear crying coming from Ashley's room. She normally goes in to find Ashley tossing and turning in the throes of a nightmare. Lately it seems to be getting worse. She does all she can to get Ashley to calm down, laying beside her but then in the morning Ashley is always completely indifferent and acts like nothing happened. Kyla has tried talking to Ashley and asking her what the nightmares are about but Ashley immediately tenses and becomes defensive. She's talked to Aiden and Jacy about it and they seem just as worried. None of them had any clue in how to help Ashley.

"I'm fine." Ashley replies in a monotone voice. She immediately heard the slight hinting in Kyla's voice and she really didn't want to talk about it.

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