Trouble Finds You pt. 1

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Ashley walks into the club feeling the music vibe through her. Heading to the bar, Ashley takes a seat.

"The usual?" the bartender asks. Ashley just nods her head. Getting her drinks, the bartender sets them in front of Ashley and goes to take care of her other customers. Ashley knocks back the three shots then sips at her rum and coke.

"I should of known that I would find you here." Ashley turns at the sound of the voice to see Jazz standing there. Ashley smirks and turns more towards her. Throughout the weeks since she met Spencer, Ashley had slowed down on the girls she would be with. For some reason that she wasn't ready to admit, Spencer was always on her mind, so she slowly stopped hooking up with random girls. Jazz had become kinda like a friends with benefits but Ashley had a gut feeling that the benefits part and maybe even the friends part might end really soon. And she had a feeling that Spencer would be the reason. Tonight, she didn't want to think about any of that, she just wanted to have fun.

"Let's dance." Jazz says taking hold of Ashley's hand. Ashley downs the rest of her drink and follows Jazz to the dance floor.

Two hours pass and the two are heating up the dance floor. As she's dancing, Ashley feels someone tap her on the shoulder. Turning her head, Ashley freezes when she sees who the person is.

"Katie?" Ashley whispers, voice full of disbelief. 'What the fuck is she doing here? She shouldn't have come here. I thought she had run off to New York with the love of her life as she put it. Fuckin' Bitch!' Ashley's thoughts are all over the place. She's vaguely aware of Jazz asking her if she's okay.

"How are you, Ashley?" Katie asks. Her question snaps Ashley out of her frozen state and anger floods throughout her body.

"How do you think I'm doing?" She asks coldly.

"Okay, I deserve that I guess." Katie says her hands up in the air a little.

"You guess. YOU GUESS!?" Ashley yells. "What the fuck are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in New York with your honey?" Ashley says, angry tears gathering in her eyes, refusing to let them fall. 'There is no way I'm giving her the satisfaction of me crying because of her.' A flash of guilt crosses Katie's face before she answers Ashley.

"Uh... yeah. About that. Rachel and I aren't together anymore, I broke up with her. I realized that she wasn't the one I wanted. It was you Ash." Katie finishes quietly, looking up at Ashley through her eyelashes.

"NO! Don't call me that! You lost that right after you destroyed my life and tore my heart out! You don't get to do that! You can't just hurt me like you did, leave and come back like it's no big deal." Ashley hisses out, livid. She has never been this angry before. 'I can't fuckin' believe her!'

"But Ashley, I..." Ashley cuts her off.

"SHUT. THE. FUCK. UP!" Ashley seethes. "I don't even know why you came back. The day you left is the day you stopped existing to me." With that, Ashley grabs Jazz's hand, who, for the whole conversation, was standing in stunned silence. They make their way outside and walk towards Ashley's car. Standing by it, Ashley leans up against it, taking a couple of deep breathes to calm herself down. She feels Jazz's arm wrap around her waist and looks up at her.

"You okay?" Jazz asks, concern coloring her voice. Ashley just stares at her for a little bit, not expecting the look of concern that's showing on Jazz's face.

"Uh... yeah. I'm okay. Just... was kinda shocked to see her. I mean she hurt me real bad you know. I went through a lot of shit being with her." Ashley says quietly.

"Uh... yeah actually. I know what you mean." Jazz says just as quietly. Ashley just looks at her, like actually looks at her and realization dawns on her face. 'Oh shit'

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