Day at the beach

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Chapter 2: Day at the Beach

*Ashley's dream*

15 year old Ashley comes home from school. She was so excited because today was Friday and her dad was supposed to spend the whole weekend with her. She hadn't seen her father in forever it seemed to her. She walks through the door and immediately she senses something wrong. The house is quiet. Everytime her dad comes, he has one of his album's playing, blasting from the stereo. But not today. Slowly, she makes her way into the kitchen.

"Dad?" She calls out. No answer.

"Dad, are you here?" Still no answer. 'It's alright Ash. Don't freak out. Maybe... maybe he's just late and didn't make it yet.' Ashley tells herself. Still walking slowly, she walks into the living room. A quick glance around and nobody's there. She makes her way up the stairs. As she reaches the top, she can hear music playing softly coming from one of the rooms. Her room she realizes. 'Okay, this is ridiculous. Maybe he's trying to scare me. Yay! Haaha. Well, I got him now!' With a smile now on her face, she walks as quietly as she can down the hall towards her room. She gently grabs hold of the door knob and counts to three.

'One' Slowly turning the knob.

'Two' Getting ready to burst through the door.

'Three!' She bursts through the door and what she sees turns her life upside down. Her dad, laying face down on the bed. Smoke was coming from an ash tray on the bedside table next to him and a needle left stuck into her dad's arm.

"DAD!" Ashley shouts, rushing over to him.

"Dad, Come on! Wake up! Dad, Please wake up!" She reaches over him to feel for a pulse. Nothing. It's too late.

"no, No, NO! Dad, please wake up. Please! Wake...up!" Ashley's voice trails off as tears quickly stream down her face. She stayed there shaking him, then after a while she just stay there rooted to the spot knowing that her dad was dead and wasn't waking up.

*End of dream*

Kyla's P.O.V.

Finally, she's home. She really needs to stop staying out so late. I'm always scared that she might not make it back. It's almost happened once and that was scary enough. She's the only family I have besides my mom. I know she's trying to be quiet too. I wonder if she knows that her trying to be quiet makes her louder. Maybe I should go check on her. Nah! If I do we'll just get into an argument and I really don't want to deal with a drunk Ashley.


Oh man! What did she break this time.


Huh, guess she finally made it to her room.

"Daddy! Wake up" At the sound of her voice, I fly out of bed and run into Ashley's room. When I get there, Ashley is tossing and turning with a couple tears coming down her eyes. I hear her call out for dad and my heart breaks when I realize what or better yet who Ashley is dreaming about. I rush over to Ashley and instinctively have my hand start running through her hair while the other hand slowly moves up and down her back, slowly trying to calm her down. After about 10 minutes, Ashley stops moving and calling out. I slip into bed beside her and continue my soothing movements.

"I wish you would tell me what's wrong. I hate seeing you like this Ash." I whisper to my sister's sleeping form. I slowly fall asleep wondering what would probably happen come morning.

Next Morning

Ashley wakes up a couple hours later. She had felt Kyla leave about an hour ago. 'Being the good student and going to school' Ashley stays in bed trying to ignore the familiar headache she could feel. 'Haven't had that dream in a while. Doesn't even matter. But, God I miss him.' Tears spring to her eyes but she holds them at bay, refusing to cry.

After staying in bed for a couple more hours, Ashley decides it's time to get up. She throws on some clothes and drives to her favorite diner to grab food. After, she drives over to her favorite spot. The Beach. Putting the car in park, she steps out of her Porsche grabbing her guitar and music book with her. It wasn't that crowded, probably because everyone was still in school. She walks down by the shore letting the waves gently wash over her bare feet. She reaches the pier and sits underneath it staring out into the ocean with her guitar resting in her lap.'I still can't believe that I had that dream. I haven't had it in a long while. Course, that don't mean there ain't others. I hate that I have them at all. Why won't they just leave me alone.'

Ashley sits lost in thought. A little while later, she picks up her guitar and starts strumming it. Liking what she has, she stops, writes down the notes to what she was just playing and continues strumming the same tune. Unconsciously, words start to come out. Going along with the tune. Ashley sings quietly:

Prison gates wont open up for me
With these broken wings, I'm fallin'
And all I need is you
Come, please, I'm calling

Show me what it's like
(To be the last one standing)
And teach me wrong from right
(and I'll show you all I can be)
And say it for me
Say it to me
And I'll leave this life behind me
Say it if it's worth savin' me..

Ashley trails off and writes down the newly sung lyrics. 'Story of my life' After sitting there for a while longer, she's broken from her thoughts by her phone ringing. She looks at it and sees its Kyla calling her. 'Wonder what she wants?' Ashley answers the phone.


"Ashley! Where the hell are YOU?!"

"Um..." Ashley tries but Kyla just keeps going.

"I come home 'cuz I was worried, and.. an the nightmare, and I know you were out late, so you know, tired, but you didn't come in extremely late to school like you normally do just to piss the teachers off, so I got worried and panicked and, WHERE ARE YOU?!" Kyla finally finishes a little breathless.

Ashley tries to hold back the laugher bubbling up inside her after Kyla's outburst. 'Wow, that girl can talk.' She looks up into the sky and realizes why Kyla was worried. 'Damn! It's dark out here. When in the hell did it get so dark?'

"I'm at the beach, Kyla, chill. I'll be home soon okay."

"You better be. Makin' me worry. Lucky I don't kick your ass." Kyla mumbles.

"I love you too Ky," Ashley laughs. "I'll be there soon. Why don't you go make out with Aiden or something til I get there." Ashley says playfully.

"How did you know he was here?" Kyla exclaims.

"Dunno. Psychic I guess. Bye."


Ashley stands up and heads back to her car. She puts her guitar in the back and starts her way back home.

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