I Love You... (Troyler) (Troye Sivan x Tyler Oakley)

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A/N:Okay so I don't care how old Troyler is I will die with this ship (kidding) (I'll only die with Phan thanks Dani for my obsession >.<) ANYWHO, I wanted to make this and have some fun even though there's been no Troyler videos for like 2-3 years :( 

It was finally the day Troye had been waiting for a while, its finally Playlist Live! Troye never admitted it to his other friends but he always had huge crush on Tyler or what he called him Tilly. He talked to him almost daily despite Troye being in Australia and Tyler being in California and the long time differences they always made time to talk and even hang out in real life. And Playlist Live was one event where he got to hang out with Tilly but that also meant that Dan, Phil, Daniel, Joey, Zoe, Alfie and others would be there. So as always the cute little moments he loved (holding hands, hugging) would wait until the other weren't around. Although everyone knew they were both gay Troye didn't want to give away his crush on Tilly. 

He wasn't even 100% sure Tilly liked him back, and he didn't want to make it awkward if Tyler didn't like him too. So Troye goes to sleep once again ending another day, where like every night he would dream about Tyler. But minutes were hours when he was awaken by a dirty alarm clock who ruined his amazing dream. He shuts off his alarm and goes to get ready to go meet Tyler and the rest. 

~ Time skip~ 

Troye gets off the plane to Florida, he first breaths in the nice weather before going and grabbing his bag to go look for one of his friends. "Troye-Boy!!" he hears someone yell, but not just someone its Tyler Oakley. Tyler runs up to him hugging him tightly, Troye blushes and puts his arms around Tyler's waist hugging him back. After a moment they let go and Tyler smiles to Troye.

"I'm so excited your here Troye-Boy" he smiles.

"I am too Tilly" I try to mask the massive blush creeping into my face.

"Sooo the others got here a while ago do you want to go to a restaurant with us" he asks? "Yeah" I nod.

We get to the restaurant, there was a seat next to Dan and Phil and one by Louise. On the other side of the table. So I choose the one by Dan and Phil while Tyler chooses the one by Louise. Mostly the group was laughing at a stupid petty joke Alfie made. Me, I was still staring at Tilly, I don't know why I just was. 

"Hey if you stare anymore people will think you're dating him" Alfie jokes making everyone look at me. 

"Huh? I was spaced out" I answer honestly. 

"Sure" Zoe giggles. My face gets heated a little bit. 

"You wanna talk about it" Tyler asks looking at me? Damn it is my blush noticeable?

"Uhh no I'm good" I say looking away. 

"Come on lets go outside for a minute" he comes over and grabs my arm. 

"I'm good though" I answer. 

He smiles, "Oh come on you know you wanna get away from them too." 

"Offensive" Daniel Preda mumbles. 

"Fine" I say getting up. 

We go outside and sit outside for a moment, for a moment I almost wanted to confess everything. Would it be right timing though? Would he be okay with it? 

"Hey Troye-Boy"  Tilly says. 

"Yes" I ask my heart rate going a million miles an hour. 

"What would you say if I told you I loved you" he asks? 

"I would say friends are suppose to love each other" I say confused. 

He chuckles,"more than that Troye-Boy." 

"Y-you mean like c-crush" I ask nervous for his response. He chuckles again, DAMN IT TILLY STOP THAT CHUCKLE IS GOING TO KILL ME! 

"Yes Troye-Boy" 

"I love you" heart rate stopped!

"I-i love you too Tilly" 



He comes up to me and hugs me, I hug him back his arms wrapped around my small waist. 

"Soooo wanna be boyfriends?" he asks awkwardly. 

"Sure" I chuckle kidding. 

"No Tilly I'd love to" I become more serious. 

"Love you too Troye-Boy" he presses his lips to my cheek. Best way to end a night ever!

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