|Vidcon| (Spl33n)

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It was the week of Vidcon and the Sparley man couldn't be any more excited to see his boyfriend-who he hadn't seen in a while. And of course Stacy and Graser were going to tag along (after the said couples acceptance). After getting a text message from the said boy saying 'I just got on the plane, I should be there in a few hours' replying with an 'ok' and exiting the airport to go get a hotel room, and of course nap. So upon doing so, he catches up to Stacy, who also happens to be leaving the airport.

"Hey Jordan" she smiles. She is always really nice, because Jordan is a little bit of an intervet he would've never talked to her if it wasn't the help of Xeen.

"Hi. You going and getting a hotel?" he asks fixing the strap of his bag.

"Yeah, Graser just said he landed so I was waiting for him" she informs him, he nods and stands next to her looking for the 'Graser'.

"Hey guys!" he runs up to them with a big toothy grin and an over-hipper attitude even though he just got off a plane. That's just Graser.

"Hi Grasypoo" Jordan teases, causing the said boy to laugh his contagious laugh that everyone always ended up laughing with.

"How much longer til the Xeen-master gets here?" he looks over to Jordan, as Stacy ran off to get them a cab.

"A few hours, he left not to long ago" is his answer as Graser nods.

"Hey Graser, I just talked to Liam, Will, and Log and we're going to be at the hotel they're at considering we all will be hanging out there alot" she informs him he nods, before looking to Jordan to make sure he's ok with it and he simple nods. Although socal parties aren't really his thing.

After that the said three head to the hotel room Liam had happily sent the name of, which for the said three was a thirty minute drive away in the cab. And with that Graser couldn't help it but to send mean messages tourtmenting Liam about it.

'How dare u do this to us!!' Jordan looks over his shoulder reading causing him to laugh, and Graser to laugh aswell. Stacy looking at the both of them like they were crazy before also reading the message over Graser's shoulder.

'To be fair, it was Will's idea, he thought it would piss you off. I feel bad for Jordan and Stacy who have to deal with your shit rn' also causing the said two beside him to laugh and him as well before putting his phone away not answering. Which a few moments later causing more dings from his phone that was in his pocket.

"They are going to pissed you aren't answering" Stacy laughs, Graser laughing as well.

'Time to turn off my phone :( I will message you when I land xo' Jordan reads the message on his phone before answering with a 'ok be safe xoxo.' And with that he turns his attention back to the other two, which Graser's phone wouldn't stop going off or ringing, while him and Stacy were laughing away.

And with that, they finally reach the hotel getting their stuff and paying the driver before walking in the doors. Where Will, Liam, and Log were standing, Will and Liam tackling Graser into a hug the minute he walks in, while Log was laughing like no tomorrow.

"What the hell" Jordan laughs, with Stacy laughing along with him.

"Well you see Jordan, WE WERE FUCKING CALLING AND TEXTING GRASER BECAUSE HE WOULDN'T FUCKING ANSWER US AND WE THOUGHT HE WAS PISSED AT US" screams Will, causing some attention nearby but no one cared enough about it.

"What!?" Graser asks on the floor laughing (after being literally attacked by Laim), laying down while Liam and Will were looking down at him.

"YOU HEARD HIM, WE THOUGHT YOU WERE PISSED WE TWO ALONE CALLED YOU TWENTY DIFFERENT FUCKING TIMES" screams Liam before jumping ontop of Graser lightly hitting him, but Graser was too busy laughing and clapping his hands to care.

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