Cute 3.0 (Taeten)

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Last one i swear

"So Tae.  Since tomorrow you go back to promotions for 127..  Why don't we go out and do something together" Ten asks his boyfriend playing with his hand.

Taeyong beams" we can! What do you want to do?" He asks wrapping an arm around Ten.

To a lot of people Taeyong looks like a hot guy with a cold guy attitude. In which reality he is the biggest soft one  that often made Ten feel soft for.

"I was hoping you might have an idea.." Ten asks embarrassed for not having a plan.

"Well.. going out is a no because we can't act coupley..." Taeyong says thinking. Ten landing his head on his boyfriends shoulder. Taeyong taking that has his opportunity to play with his boyfriends hair as he tries to think of something to do.

"How about since the others are gone we have a nice dinner at home, maybe have a water fight since it's hot as hell outside and watch a movie?" Taeyong asks? Ten smiling. 

"Sounds good even though we did all that with the others" is Ten's response.

"We now it's just us" he says sticking his tongue out. Ten giggling at his boyfriend.

"Sounds good babe" is his reply, Taeyong beaming planting a kiss to his boyfriend's nose. 

Going into the kitchen and setting up the romantic dinner.  Sitting down in the kitchen with a romantic candle in the middle lighten.

Smiling Ten eats slowly as he listens to everything his boyfriend says not missing a word. Not missing the way Taeyongs eyes lighten up and at parts dulled a little. And with every fiber in his body he wanted to keep that smile and spark in his boyfriend's eyes forever.

"Baby? Are you ok" Taeyong asks noticing how boyfriend not eating.

"Yeah sorry you distracted me" Ten giggles a flush painting his face. Taeyong giggles and stands up moving to the seat right beside his boyfriend instead of infront of him. Taking the untouched spoon and feeding his boyfriend a dark blush taking his boyfriends face but nether the less eating the said food. If Johnny was here he'd call Ten shameless in having Taeyong treat him so child like. Even though he did the exact same thing to his boyfriend. Hypocritical really.

Upon finishing eating and to Tens sadness Taeyong stands up and puts the stuff away from summer before heading back to the table where his boyfriend still sat.

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