|The Bad Side of Things| (Troyler, Connler, Tronner)

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Part two of the One Shot <The Good Side of You> read that one before this one and it'll make way more sense promise. 

Also work with me with the title it is a work in process
~The Good (Bad) Side of Things 
~The Bad Side of Things 


It was months after the calls the two boys received from Troye, and upon that nothing else really happened. There was no more calls from him, and Tyler left both of them alone. It made Connor feel.. sad? Alone? So many feelings were rushed into this head and he didn't know how to process one. It was now April, the air outside wasn't as old as it was in January , even living in California the weather still got... kind of chilly but in all honesty not that bad. 

'Why?' was all Connor could think, 'why is Tyler ignoring me again? Is he doing this to Troye?' 'He promised....' 'How much time could he need?' the boy just sighed. Even with the spring air, it felt cold and dark to him as he barely left his house sine the incident. Or well confession, he honestly wasn't sure what to call it. Suddenly his phone goes off, his eyebrows furrow in confusion no one usually calls him. Without checking the number he just answers. 

"Hello?" he asks confused. 

"Hi ConCon" the Australian-voice rings through making Connor's breath stop. 

"Hi" he breathes out, sounding very inaudible. 

"How have you been?" he asks straight away. 

"Not good really" he speaks honesty, what was the point of lying to him? 

"I know ConCon.... I have been trying to get ahold of Tyler so we can fix this... he won't answer me ConCon" the said boy says, tears threatening to leave this eyes. 

"Really" is all Connor could squeak out, tears coming down his eyes from hearing that. Troye wants to fix this. Why not Tyler? 

"ConCon... I am in LA.... I am going to go to Tyler's flat. Hopefully he'll answer. And I'll get him to come with me to your place" the Australian says with a said confidence he didn't know he had. 

"What about Jacob?" Connor asks knowing about the couple. 

"...He knows about what's going on.... He suggested I go and fix this with you guys" is all the Australian says. 

"Oh" is all Connor could muster up to say. 

"I'm going to go, I am at Tyler's house... We'll see you soon ConCon... love you" the Australian says quickly handing up. 


He sat there crying for a moment, emotions too much for him to handle at the current moment. He takes a shaky breathe before getting out of his car and heading to Tyler's door. It has been so long, yet nothing barely changed.  Mustering up everything he could and before he could regret it he knocks on the door only hoping for the best. 


Inside Tyler was sitting in his room, like he did everyday, it was hard to want to move a lot after everything that had happened. He was taking a lot of time to think things through, because he knew how far his feelings ran for the two, and he couldn't talk to either until he had this feelings figured out. Which made him happy when his friends understood and left him alone for some time to understand and pick himself back up. So when he heard a knock on his door he was surprised. Surely Zoe, Joe, Dan, Phil, and Louise weren't here because they would've messaged him before showing up, but then again he hasn't turned his phone on for months. He walks to his front door and opens it without looking through the peep hole, and who he saw surely surprised him... a lot. 

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