|Jealous P.2|(Nongkun's Pov)

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practically the nongkun of <Jealous Chengstin> Pov I don't know honestly.

It was the afternoon and everyone could finally relax. The group barely got this so when they did they treasured it. Xukun sat next to his boyfrien Lingnong. A lot of people were sitting on the mats eating lunch. And there they were; Nongnong, KunKun, Justin, Linkai (Xiao Gui) and some others like Huba.

"Hey KunKun" Linkai says causing the said boy to look up from his own world with his boyfriend he answers with a 'hmm'.

"Okay but truly who is taller me or him" he answers with a humph.

"Honestly Justin is a little taller" Nongnong says from his boyfriend's shoulder.

"HA! So that makes me the better dancer" Justin exclaims.

"No that doesn't! Get back here!" Linkai yells chasing after the said Justin.

The two just giggle at their said friends as they are too crazy for this world. Some of the others stand up to sit by the said two.

"Hey guys look over that way" the said 'Huba' says pointing to ChengCheng sitting across the way looking... mad?

"No way..." KunKun says aloud to the others.

"What?" BuFan says sitting down beside the boys.

"Look at ChengCheng" he says pointing to the said boy where he couldn't see him.

"What?" Nongnong asks confused as BuFan also looks. Rolling his eyes at the dense boys.

"He's jealous" the other twos mouths widen to an 'o'.

Watching as Ziyi, Yanchen, Zhangjing, Zengting and the other Yueha boys gather around him minus Justin. Who was sitting by Nongnong and KunKun as Linaki was still trying to beat him up.

KunKun watches as Ziyi laughs at the fuming boy who seemed to be ranting and then says something of his own and pat the said boys shoulder.

He then watches as Yanjun walks up also adding his input only to get scolded by Zhangjing. Then as Zhangjing quietly walks away from them without notice.

"Hey guys" he says coming up to the said group with a smile. All saying back their 'hellos'.

"So Justin" he says to the boy who was sitting by KunKun and eventually stands up to face the said boy. And then out of ear shot Zhangjing say something to Justin only for the boy to look at ChengCheng smile and then the two to walk back over to the said group.

"What's going on?" Nongnong asks concerned, but when he sees the two smiling he sees all is okay.

"There's a jelly bean over there" Justin giggles. Causing the rest of giggle when they all catch on.

"I have an idea!" KunKun shoots his hand up like a mad scientist. Zhangjing raising an eyebrow at the boy.

"Me no like" he adds in still with his eyebrow raised.

"What! It's just a little jealousy prank" KunKun says shrugging his shoulders.

"Are you crazy!? That boy literally gets jealous over you and NongNong babying the boy!" Linkai exclaims. Causing Justin to shrink in embarrassment.

"Lets think of a different idea that won't cause our boy to become single" BuFan says raising his eyebrow and causing a pout from KunKun. Nongnong just giggles at his boyfriends cuteness and wraps an arm around him.

"So... without making him too jealous. How about you and Linkai kind of flirt around a little not too much" BuFan says pointing to the two who nod their heads in agreement. And with that the plan was set into action.

Nongnong and KunKun sat down first coddling the said boy, which did nothing to the said boy but make him tilt his head in confusion.

And then Linkai sat next to him giggling with him even putting his hand on his showing a lot of skinship.  Even going as far as the said boy to try and kiss him on the cheek causing Justin to run around. Which looking across the way seeing the very fuming Chengcheng.

"I think they went a little too far" BuFan says when seeing the said boy.

"Me too" Nongnong agrees calling the two over to end the prank.

"I think you guys went a little too far Justin please go over to him" Nongnong says looking up at Justin. Justin nods and says a light 'sorry' and walking over to his boyfriend. 

After a while seeing different emotions from the said boy but seeing surprisement when Justin went over there was the rest of the crew who made it their plan to go over. But the minute Linkai sits by Justin and ChengCheng, Chengcheng tightens his hold on his boyfriend. And after a little talk to two said to be okay luckily. Nongnong sitting on his boyfriend KunKun's lap.

The one main thing being said "No, I'm sorry for being jealous. You guys are just friends" Chengcheng says kissing Justin's check. A red tint on the cheek that was just kissed.

Everyone laughs at their  friends; especially Justin who was majorly blushing.

"If teacher Jackson was here he'd say-"

"Cute" Jackson says walking in scaring the group of boys. Causing the two who were sitting on their boyfriends laps (Nongnong and Justin) to jump off their laps and fall to the ground.

A scream and a jump was heard from everyone. As Yixing came in behind Jackson.

"Damn it Jackson stop scaring the students" Yixing says laughing.

"Well they were about to say my word so I had to" he says laughing as mc Jin comes in laughing. And once the two said boys make sure they are in the clear get back on their boyfriends laps.

"Why were we saying cute for?" Jackson decides to ask the group once everyone calmed down.

"You missed a lot teacher Wang" Linkai says looking up to him and the rest laughing nodding. A blush creeps up on ChengChengs face that doesn't go unnoticed by Yixing.

"What happened?" Mc Jin asks?

"Lets just say jealous is a fun game when it's not too major" KunKun giggles. Yixing, Jackson, and Mc Jin still confused looked at them.

"Chengcheng was jealous of Linkai spending a lot of time with Justin" Zhengting says. A laugh escapes Yixing as he just died of laughter.

"God I remember that too Chengcheng. I used to get jealous even when Junmyeon looked at someone" Yixing says when he gets done laughing. Everyone laughing but in their head agreeing.

"So Justin got kissed" BuFan adds. 'Oohs' left Mc Jin, Yixing, and Jackson lips. Causing the said 'Justin' to glare holes into BuFan wanting to jump up from ChengCheng's lap and kill/slap the boy.

"No this is kissed" Chengcheng says planting an innocent kiss on Justin's lips. Pulling away everyone shocked and Justin blushing more then he was before.


It was late that night when Nongnong and KunKun ended up on the roof of the place staring at the early spring stars. Breathing in the spring air.

"You never get jealous like that... right?" Nongnong decides to voice out his concern.

"Sometimes" KunKun says honestly.

"I'm sorry" Nongnog says looking over sympathetically to his boyfriend.

"It's not your fault. It's just me being me don't worry about it love" KunKun  says crawling over to his boyfriend and tucking him into his arms.

"And it's moment like these that I know you're mine" and with that he kisses Nongnong's forehead.

And with that nothing else was said through out the night. Just them laying side by side, KunKun with his arm used as a pillow for Nongnong's head.

Word Count: 1,249 words 

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