The Better Side of Things (Troyler/Conler/Tronner)

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Troye couldn't leave things the way they were between him and Tyler. He just couldn't. The other has meant so much to him, he would do anything in the world just to make sure he doesn't get hurt either. Approaching the others door, he isn't sure what Tyler is going to say.

"Whay do you want Troye," sighs out the other.

"Can we talk, please?" A hint of desperation in Troyes voice.

He couldn't of felt more happier when Tyler sighed and let the other inside his home. It somehow holds the same objects, but the atmosphere is cold.

"What do you want to talk about Troye?" Asks Tyler standing in front of the other.

"Listen, Tyler, I understand everything happened. And I understand we are all hurting. But just like with Connor. I will be your rock until you don't hurt. I love you both, and I hate knowing every day your guys pain is my fault. Please," a small tear finds it's way down the youngers face. His words holding the truth of how he really feels.

"Baby steps Troye, maybe one day all three of us can get there again. But for now we can't rush anything," Tyler gives the younger a look.

And Troye understands how he feels, he's practically rushing back into both of their lives and neither are even sure he is staying this time. But he doesn't plan on leaving.

"I promise I can show you both," he whispers walking toward the door. He knows Tyler won't chase him out.


Hours turned into days and days turned into weeks. Connor hasn't heard nothing from Troye at all. He continued with his life on YouTube and started going to a therapist trying to turn his mental health around.

He barely has heard any word from Tyler either. But, somehow that is ok with the male. It made him feel better in his own way. Sighing happily, he isn't even sure the last time he felt just this overly happy about anything. And it felt good to be able to be happy again.

"I'm sorry Tyler and Troye, I'm better without you," he whispers under his breathe.


Tyler, either hadn't heard from either of the males either. He continued his YouTube channel only getting the occasional message about where the two had gone. Of course, he doesn't answer the person.

However, Tyler started hanging out with friends he has around town more. Happy laughs from the memories he shares with the group. Its almost like the whole that is there because of the two, is gone?

"I'm sorry, we weren't just meant to be," he whispers under his breathe.


For Troye, he didn't even try to contact the two males. He felt like in his own way, he fixed things. He continued his relationship happy the other was allowing him to talk to exs.

He didn't stop making music, it's his passion after all. And there is boyfriend stood next to him through out the entire process.

"I'm sorry, it just wasn't you," he whispers under his breathe.


And somehow, time and time went on and that is how the three continued their time. Not that they were on a "no talk period," Troye just feels like everything that was needed said was said. And now, the three could continue their best lives.

Even if it shamefully meant none of them would continue down the path of life together. At least, for now. Not everything is permanent.

And that is what kept all three boys going. Chasing something they weren't even sure if was there.


Time and more time went on, Troye being happier and happier with his boyfriend Jacob. Its almost like he forgot about the deal with Connor and Tyler.

Truly he did.

His mind didn't conjure up questions about them. Or even really worry about them anyway. So maybe, he really actually did forget the two because he knows the both of them are better off this way.


Connor going out and dating not long after the agreement. It took some time, but the guy was really sweet and waited for the male. And that's what makes him the happiest. He hasn't even thought about how Tyler or Troye, his mind not even asking questions about how they may be doing.

He's living his best and happiest life and that is all that matters.


For Tyler, it took a little longer to allow himself to go back out with anyone. But at last, he fell in love with someone to a point, he couldn't even process it. And he said yes to the male, scared of how everything was going to change for him now that he has a boyfriend.

Noting significantly changed, however he started to feel happier. His depressive episodes rarely ever happening and actually smiling and enjoying his life. Even when Troye or Connor isn't there by his side anymore.


Maybe all three kept their promise anyway. They stayed by each other until they knew they were all well enough to enjoy their life without one another. Maybe not truly in a good or bad way. But a little bit of a better way. But that's not really what matters.

They are all happier now. After all the pain and misery each one them went through, caused, and had happen to them. They landed out a happier version of what they used to be of themselves. And that's all either of them three could ask for.

"Thank you," whispers Tyler in his place sitting by the window with it wide open blowing in some wind to him, looking up at a star. The sky reaching a dark blue in color


"Thank you," smiles Connor smiles walking down the street seeing the same star. And the same dark blue color of the sky.


"Thank you," sadly smiles Troye staring at the same star in his hotel room. With the same dark blue color in the sky.

Thank you both for everything. You'll always mean the world to me. I'm sorry it all happened this way. But we all are better of this way.


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