IM Love - Craig Tucker

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Craig x Reader
Requested by: Ilove_SouthPark


CraigFucker: hey Y/n?

Me: what?

CraigFucker: I need your help...

Me: oh... okay! with what?

CraigFucker: what do girls like?

Me: what?

CraigFucker: I like this girl... but I’m kinda confused as to what I should do.

Me: oh...OH.

Me: Gimme a sec.

clyde-donoboi was added to the chat.

whatsausername was added to the chat.

RicherThanYou was added to the chat.

Me: Guys, we have a 332

whatsausername: gay aliens are taking over and they want Clyde’s anus?

Me: no, a 332.

clyde-donoboi: Craig likes someone!?

clyde-donoboi: omg i’ve waited for this day.

CraigFucker: what...

RicherThanYou: Y/n and the guys and I have these codes for certain situations, Craig.

CraigFucker: why don’t I know the codes?

Me: you were sick the day we made them.

Me; anyway...

Me: back to your crush.

CraigFucker: what should I do?

clyde-donoboi: ooh, ooh!

clyde-donoboi: why don’t you just... be yourself, and tell her how you feel?

Me: no, he needs something romantic.

clyde-donoboi: yeahh. thanks for the life lesson, ‘Girl Meets World’.

clyde-donoboi: hows your repressed love-life going?

Me: I don’t know, clyde, how’s your mothers potty problem?

clyde-donoboi: below the belt, Y/n.

RicherThanYou: Anyway, we need to get back to the task at hand. What does your crush like? Is she a girly girl, a tomboy, or something in between.

Me: Or something else entirely?

CraigFucker:.... (whichever you are)

Me: me too!

whatsausername: do we know the girl?

clyde-donoboi: yeah, we can ask her out for you. we know you’re kinda shy...

CraigFucker: well, she goes to our school.

CraigFucker: she’s really pretty...

CraigFucker: and she smarter than kyle broflovski.

clyde-donoboi: She’s*

CraigFucker: kiss my ass, clyde.

clyde-donoboi: tough words from a guy whose last name rhymes with ‘fucker’.

Me: oooh, this girl sounds like she’ll be fun to hang around with!

CraigFucker: yeah...

CraigFucker: you’d say that.

Me: ???

CraigFucker has invited you to a private message.

Accept? or Decline?

You have accepted the private message.

Me: i’m confused.

CraigFucker: I’ve decided to take Clyde’s advice

Me: yay, but what did you mean earlier?

Me: ‘i’d say that’?

CraigFucker: well, you see....

CraigFucker: ikindahavehadacrushonyousincewebecamefriendsinmiddleschoolandireallywanttodateyou.

Me: um, just a second.

CraigFucker: okay.

You have created a chat group!

clyde-donoboi was added to the chat.

whatsausername was added to the chat.

RicherThanYou was added to the chat.

Me: !!!!!!

clyde-donoboi: what?

Me: Craig just told me he likes me!

whatsausername: what!? wow! that’s awesome!

RicherThanYou: Do you like him, too?

Me: yeah, i do!

clyde-donoboi: then go tell him, dumbass!

You have left the chat group.

You have entered a private message with CraigFucker.

CraigFucker: so...?

Me: I like you too, Craig!

CraigFucker: oh, thank god.

Me: ???

CraigFucker: I thought i’d have to switch schools to avoid public shame.

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