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I was tagged by 123TicciToby321  to say 13 things about myself, so that's pretty cool.

1. My full name is Evan Reese Mossman

2. Me and my family come from Germany, but we now live in America.

3. I'm a dog and a cat person, but I like cats far more.

4. When I was little I took several years of ballet.

5. My family lived in California for awhile before we moved up to Oregon.

6. I'm a homosexual

7. I have two siblings, a brother named Wyatt and a sister named Hallie.

8. My parents have been divorced for several years now, my father has lived in Chicago ever since.

9. My best friends name is Scott, he's been my mental health care-taker for a few years. He also started dating my mom so he's kinda like my step dad.

10. Sam my boyfriend, and I have been happy dating for about a year now.

11. I hate my father with a passion.

12. I'm trained in judo.

13. I've been clingy diagnosed with depression and several metal health disorders.

The five people I put here will be tagged and will have to tell us 13 things about themselves and then tag five more people.






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