Chapter 3

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The buzzer goes off and the other team start high-fiving each other and celebrate and the last thing I see is a very angry Matt walking towards me with yellow eyes and fur sprouting on his skin.

"What the hell was that", Matt shouts furiously at me. I stumble back a bit, taken aback by his anger. Everyone is still focusing on the winning team and so are not paying any attention to us. I muster up my courage to talk back to him. " told me not to help", i say trying to calm him down a bit but instead this angers him more. "You're fucking shit at sports but you could have easily caught that ball", Matt says, taking one step closer to me.

I just stare back at him, all my fear gone and replaced with anger. "Matt"... I say slowly staring intensely into his eyes. "Its just a calm the fuck down", I speak so quietly i'm almost whispering. I see that his body starts to grow more fur and his eyes now have slits in them.

"How dare you talk to me like that" he shouts at me and now everybody's attention has shifted to us causing me to cower slightly. The sports hall is now deadly quiet and all I can hear is the pounding of my heart in my ears. "You watch your back", Matt says, his eyes boring into mine and then walks off.




I'm back in the locker room changing into my clothes in fear. 'Am I crazy, why would I say that to him, what came over me, God knows what he's going to do now', I think to myself. By now everyone has left the changing room and I am scared to step out in case Matt and his friends are waiting for me. 

My mind drifts off to a memory that occurred 3 years ago. It was my first day of high school and I was walking to my first class and ended up bumping into this pretty girl. "Oh sorry", I said straightening my glasses. She gave me a once over and scoffs. "Look where your going, four eyes" she said and she took my glasses, threw them on the floor and stepped on them causing them to break. 

'What the fuck', I thought as she looked up and smiled at me making me more angry and she is about to walk away but I grabbed her hand, yanked her back and slapped her across her face.

Her hand went up to where I slapped her and she gave me a deadly look. "You'll pay for that" she said and then walked off. Pftt what is she gonna do. Stab me with her high heel. I looked down at my glasses and sigh, at least my vision wasn't that bad. 

School had now finished and after talking to the teacher about extracurricular activities, I made my way towards the car park which was now deserted. I see my car and am walking towards it but I am stopped by two muscular boys my age. 

One had sandy blonde hair and green eyes while the other had black hair and blue eyes. Feeling slightly intimidated I tried to walk around them but I am stopped again. Whats going on I wonder. "Shall we get straight to it then Sam?", the blonde one asked the other guy. Get to what. Whats going on here. My heart rate increased, sensing that something bad was going to happen. I get ready to run but the black haired guy then proceeded to lift me over his shoulder and started walking to the empty park next to the school. 

"Hey what are you doing, put me down", I shouted, I banged my fists on his back but it made no difference. He carried on walking with the other guy following behind us. He then threw me on to the ground on my back. I sat up and looked up at them in fear. The blonde one looked as if he was extremely bored and the other guy Sam looked slightly angry. 

"So you thought you could hit Veronica and get away with it", Sam said and then punched me in the face. My head hit the ground from the force of the punch and everything started spinning. I try to get up but I feel a painful blow to my stomach resulting in me coughing up blood. 

I tried to tell them to stop but I receive another blow to the head and everything blacks out. Next thing i know is I'm waking up in the Nurse's office with pain all over my body. She told me that someone had found me on the ground and carried me back. As I lay in the bed I tried to hold back my tears. I had never been beaten up before and I certainly did not want that to happen again.

I return to reality as I realise i'm crying. I wipe my tears and start to panic. Will they beat me up again. Sam is Matt's best friend so Matt would probably tell Sam. I look at my watch and realise its almost 4 o' clock. Well I've got to get out of here eventually, maybe they've gone by now. I hesitantly pick up my things and make my way towards the door and first look out cautiously into the deserted hallway. I don't see anyone so I quickly sprint into the hallway hoping to get home without being harmed.

I turn the corner and bump into someone causing my glasses to fall off. I look up to see that I am face to face with Matt.


Thanks for reading guys

And now you know why she wont stand up to her bullies. Also I want to say that the blonde guy who was there when she got beat up was not Matt just in case there was confusion. So to clarify Matt did not beat her up

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