Chapter 21

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I wake up to the sound of rain pattering against the windows. My heavy eyelids look at the window and see the weather was still pretty bad. I try to turn in bed and realise Matt's arm is around me. His head resting on my shoulder, his snoring, right next to my ear. I lay there thinking about last night. My cheeks redden at the memory. We finally had mated. Our connection was stronger than ever.

I need to go toilet so as slowly as possible without waking him up, I try to move his arm off me. Then I sit up and am about to get up but I'm yanked back from my waist into the bed. "Where do you think you're going beautiful", Matt whispers huskily into my ears. I laugh, "Matt I need to go bathroom", I say while he nibbles at my earlobe. "Hmm what did you say", he says as he skims across my neck. I entangle out of his arms and run for the bathroom laughing.


The weather was looking great and the sun was out now so I had put on my pink floral dress. I look at myself in the mirror and felt confident of how I looked. Matt comes out of the shower, his towel wrapped around his waist. His V line standing out more than ever.

He stops when he sees me and gives me a one over and smiles. "I like what I see, you look so beautiful in dresses," he says as he comes closer, wraps his arms around me and kisses me on the lips. I wrap my arms around his neck, "So we gonna leave today?" I ask tensing up at the thought of us being on the run. Matt noticed this,

"Em, they're not gonna get us it's fine, I was thinking we can go have lunch at this small cafe nearby and then we'll leave", he says stroking my shoulder. I nod and fake a smile and we kiss on the lips.

He turns around and picks out his clothes. My smile instantly drops. I had a bad feeling. I was scared that they would get us, that I'd be separated from Matt.
We arrive at this small cafe surrounded by other small shops. It looked like a village. There were chairs outside with the place half full with the sound of people laughing and talking in the air.

This helped calm me a bit knowing that we were surrounded by people. Matt takes hold of my hand and we walk into the cafe. After we took our food we sit outside. The sun was right above, warming my skin and there was a slight breeze.

It was the perfect weather.

"I love small villages like this" I say looking around. "What do you like about them?" Matt asks curiously. "I just like how small and quaint it is, no ones in a rush, everyone knows everyone, it would be a nice place to live", I say taking a deep breath, living in the moment. "I'll take you to any village you want", Matt says, looking into my eyes.

"Italy", I say excitedly.

"Italy!" Matt says incredulously.

"Yes a nice village in Italy by the beach", I say already imagining myself laying at the beach all day with Matt by my side. I snap out of my daydream from Matt laughing. "Well I better start brushing up on my Italian", he says taking a sip of his coffee. I laugh.

"Yeah it would be nice to leave all these memories behind", I think of all the vivid memories of school and instantly think of the time I spent in that closet at school to go through my painful transition, my face turns sour at the thought. Matt realises and reaches for my hands.

"Em, I am really sorry for ever hurting you, I feel ashamed for everything I did, especially that night I locked you in the closet", his eyes were welling up with tears.

"That night I tried to sleep and I couldn't, it was early in the morning and I was worried so I got out of bed and I came to the school to unlock the door but I found that it was broken, I tried to find u afterwards but I lost your scent", Matt was now looking down ashamed, unable to look me in the eyes.

My heart welled up that he was feeling this guilty. "Matt, it's okay, I think it's best to put the past behind us", I squeeze his hands to confort him, "otherwise we won't be able to move on", I say. He smiles and nods and we both lean in for a chaste kiss. " So..." Matt says, "wanna explore".

"Sure", I say happily.
We went to all the shops nearby and bought a few things. We had gone to a jewelry shop and I had saw a ruby pendant I really liked which Matt bought for me. I instantly put it on. It was nice, simple and elegant.

It was dark now and we were just driving back to the motel to give the keys back and get our things.

Matt pulls up into the parking lot and parks the car. "Okay I'll get our things, you can go give the keys to them", he smiles at me and passes me the keys. I smile back and we both step out of the car, with Matt walking towards the stairs at the side of the building towards our room and I'm walking towards the main reception area.

I step into the empty room and instantly felt my stomach drop.

It was too quiet.

I walk towards the desk and see no one there. I step closer and see behind the desk on the floor is the worker covered in blood. I drop the keys and am about to scream but a hand covers my mouth and another arm grabs my waist keeping me prisoner.

"Thought you could get away from me huh?" Tristan said, his breath hitting my neck making me recoil with disgust. "You're gonna pay for this", he says as he starts leading me towards the back of the building.

I try to free myself from his grasp but it was of no use, he was too strong. He opens a door which leads to the back of a building. There was a van here. He opens the back of the van and I see that some of his henchmen are sitting there too and he throws me in.

I instantly try to get back up to escape but his henchmen hold me down. I breathe in to let out a huge scream but they anticipate this and cover my mouth. The van starts to move now, speeding away.

I was trapped.

Tears are escaping my eyes. Matt's probably realised that I'm gone now.

All the plans we had will never happen now.

We could never be together.

Well if that isn't a cliffhanger I don't know what is haha, hope you guys enjoyed, I took a mini break  but yes the next chapter will be coming soon....

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