Chapter 8

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The weekend had passed like a blur and I was not ready to go back to school. I had spent the whole weekend in bed, too exhausted to get up, nothing to do, no one to see, no one to talk to. Every now and then my heart would speed up thinking about confronting Matt. I don't know whether that was because I was scared of him or because I knew I had some deep seated feelings for him. Right now I was sitting in my car in the schools car park thinking about how to approach Matt. I was back tracking now, too scared of the thought of going up to him. He could be very intimidating. I take a deep breath and got out of my car. The car park was packed with students walking around and talking. I walked past them, my heart accelerating as I step into school. I walk down the crowded hallway towards the direction of his locker. 

My heart accelerates even more but not out of fear but out of a unknown excitement. Goosebumps start to form on my skin and I felt that there was something that was pulling me in a different direction, away from Matts locker. This was a weird feeling that I had never experienced before. I decide to follow the strange pull and turn the corner in the hallway and I bump into Matt. The strange pull feeling had gone but my attraction towards him feels like it has been magnified. Maybe it's the way his light brown hair is parted to the side today or how his muscles are bulging under his tight shirt. His beautiful hazel eyes are dilated and his pink lips are parted as he looks into my eyes. His face flickers with confusion and something else I could not decipher.

He then backs away slowly, still looking at me and then turns around and walks away. I stay standing there for a minute and think. Could this be what a mate bond feels like? Is Matt my mate? I quickly compose my self and carry on walking. No there's no way he could be my mate. The mate bond is stronger for those who are in line to be Alphas. I've heard stories of when the Alpha did find his mate, he would claim her right away, the bond would be too strong to resist. If I was Matt's mate he wouldn't have walked away from me. So he can't be my mate, right? But what was drawing me to him, maybe its because I've always had some feelings for him. I dismiss my thoughts and carry on walking and see the janitors closet. The door is on the floor and sides of the wall next to it are also on the floor in pieces with debris around it. The principle was talking to some teachers and looked angry about this. I guess no one had been in over the weekend so they just found this now. I carry on walking feeling guilty about it. 

I go into my first lesson Chemistry and take the seat by the window at the front of the class. I see Matt walk in and stop in front of the class when he sees me, his expression unreadable, he then carries on walking and sits at the back next to Sam and his other friend Mark. The teacher walks in with what I assume is a new student. "Class this is Naya, she is new so please make her feel welcome". She looked cute, she was a bit chubby but still curvy and had long brown hair and hazel eyes. She shyly smiled and walked quietly to the only seat that was available, next to me.

I give her a polite smile to which she shyly smiles back. I turn to look forward, back at the teacher who starts talking about the structure of atoms but then the principle comes in and asks to talk to the teacher outside about something important and so she steps outside. I carry on writing my notes but then see Sam walk in front of us. I look up at him expecting him to say something to me but his eyes are set on Naya. "So where did you come from fat-ass?", he asked viciously, resulting in the rest of the class laughing. I look at him open-mouthed and then at Naya who looked like she was on the verge of crying. Oh God she was gonna be another victim of their bullying. "From...from the moon pack", Naya replied, her tiny voice quavering. 

"Haha look at the fattie, she looks like she's gonna cry any second", Sam said laughing at Naya who was slighting shaking. I can't let them bully her too, she'll become empty like me. "Sam, just leave her alone", I say quietly unable to give my voice the power I needed. 

Sam turns to me, anger covering his features. The whole class is silent waiting to see what Sam would do. "What did you say to me?", his brows creasing as he comes closer to me. My heartbeat is hammering in my ear, my fingers trembling as I take a deep breath and speak louder. "I said leave her alone", I say as I rise from my chair to face him. He comes closer to me and breaks the distance and starts sprouting fur and I instinctively take a step back. By now Matt has gotten up out of his chair and is next to Sam holding him back. "Dude, not right now, we'll deal with her later", Matt said, giving me a dirty look. Sam gives me one last venomous look and they both go to the back of the classroom. I sit back down and let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I knew I was gonna regret doing that.

Ohh so what did you think of this chapter? What did you think of Matt? Don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks for reading <3

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