Chapter 12

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I'm laying in bed thinking about yesterday. It was now morning and I am supposed to be getting ready for school but I couldn't help but lay in bed and think about Matt. How he was so close to me, the effects he had on me physically. I keep replaying the memory in my head over and over, unable to get enough of him. I felt kinda bad for Ethan too as he was on the receiving end of Matt's anger. I didn't expect that kind of reaction from Matt. It felt good though, like I was his. 

'So does this mean you have forgotten everything he's done to you', the rational voice in my head says. I take a deep breath and sigh. I think about all that he has done to me and feelings of resentment come through. I was not the type to keep a grudge but I couldn't take away the fact that he had bullied me throughout most of high school. I'm unsure what to do but at the end of the day, he is my mate, he is meant for me and I'm meant for him, as cheesy as that sounds. I roll the duvet off of me and get out of bed and stretch and make my way to the bathroom.

20 minutes later and I'm in my skinny jeans and t-shirt with my hair in a high ponytail. I decided to dress in my regular clothes as I already found out that Matt is my mate but I did put on a bit of mascara and lipgloss on to accentuate my features. I grab my bag and head outside towards my car.

10 minutes later and I'm walking down the hallway towards my locker. I see Naya walking towards me from the opposite direction and smile. "Hey Em, how are you?", she said with a knowing smile. "I'm good...why are you looking at me like that?" I say with a laugh. "Well I was just curious about what happened yesterday when Matt took you away", she said giggling. She really was like a cute 10 year old girl which I found hilarious. I laugh and open my locker taking my books out. "Well we didn't kiss if that's what you're thinking", I say. 

"What? Really...not even a peck, why are you happy then?", Naya questions me with a laugh. "Well I'm just content with what happened, baby steps ya know". I close my locker and I notice Matt on the other side of the hallway at his locker looking at me with such anger and contempt that makes me feel tense. Still looking at me venomously he slams his locker door angry and then looks and walks away.

"What was that all about", Naya says. I could tell from her face that she was tense too. "I'm not sure, I thought maybe he wouldn't act so cold towards me anymore. "Maybe you should talk to him", Naya says as we start walking towards our next class. "Yeah, maybe you're right, I'll talk to him at the end of class".

We walk into Chemistry and have to take the empty seats at the front of the class which unfortunately was in front of Matt and Sam. As we walk towards the seats, Matt looks up at me with no expression and then looks back down and Sam looks at us menacingly. Naya looks at me with a helpless look on her face as we sit down. "Careful Naya, we wouldn't want you to break the chair", Sam says with a snicker causing the rest of the class to laugh. I notice Naya's cheeks redden but she kept her head down and ignored everyone. I was hoping the teacher would come in so they would stop but they start talking amongst themselves about the pack party that was coming up.

Veronica's high shrill voice fills the room as I could feel her standing behind me next to Matt. "So Matt, did you want to be my date to the pack party?" I freeze waiting for his reply for what seemed like an eternity. "Yeah sure", Matt says causing me to clench my fists. 'What the hell, he's my mate and he says yes to her and then he thinks he can tell me not to flirt with other guys. I hear them kiss behind me which causes me to feel even more angry and I clench my fists, feeling my nails digging into my skin. I can't believe him. I thought he had changed and at least cared about me but clearly not. Veronica walks in front of my desk with a smirk on her face. "So...I hope you're not planning on going, you won't get a date anyway and well...", Veronica continues smirking down at me "are you even a part of the pack?"

First she steals my mate and now she's questioning my inclusion in this pack. I glare at Veronica as I raise from my seat, "What are you trying to say?" She seems unfazed by my sudden confidence. "All your mum does is go out and drink, what has she ever done for the pack? And you don't even have a dad to get involved with the other dads, ha", she laughs, "no wonder no one likes you" her shrill laugh filling the room. Her voice pierces the deepest parts of me and my fist connects with her face, the sound of broken bones echoing in the classroom. Next thing I know Veronica is sprawled out on the floor with her face in shock and blood pouring out of her nose.

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