Chapter 16

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The pack party is today and I'm not looking forward to it. I had no energy to do anything. I just kept replaying Matt's words from yesterday in my head over and over again. I tried to distract myself from the thought that he could never love me, that maybe he did deserve someone better. After yesterday I changed into my wolf form and ran into the woods and just kept running to ease my nerves, eventually I turned back and started running back towards the town. It felt a bit therapeutic running in my wolf form, like I'm connecting with nature. I eventually had gotten home and went straight to sleep and woke up the next day with Zara and Naya at the foot of my bed telling me to get ready for the party. It was already 5 p.m. It took them half an hour to convince me to go and then another half hour to get me out of bed and now here I am having my makeup done by Zara while Naya was painting my nails.

"Don't worry about Matt anyway Em, you deserve someone way better, ya know some mates aren't good people and so obviously it wouldn't work out, maybe you can experience the human type love with someone else, its not as strong but its still almost the same and like the humans say 'there's a lot of fish in the sea'. Zara says as she was applying my mascara.

"But Zara, Em shouldn't give up so easily, that's her mate, he knows this too, he probably said it in a spur of the moment thing, I don't think he meant it", Naya sighs. They had been talking about Matt for the last hour. Zara thinks that I should find someone else whereas Naya is more optimistic and doesn't want me to give up. I hadn't said a word since I told them what happened. I didn't know what to say. I was confused myself. I feel like I had given Matt many chances to make 'us' official. I thought the day after he beat Ethan that we would be on the road to becoming officially a couple but I guess I was too optimistic. "What do you think Em, you've been quiet for so long", Zara said. I sighed, not wanting to talk about this anymore. "I don't know, I'm just gonna get through tonight without bumping into him, I don't wanna face him right now", I say. Zara sighed, "Ya know, I bet there's gonna be a lot of cute guys at this party, I've heard guys from the Black Lunar pack are really hot and if you're not gonna try finding one, then I sure as hell am gonna look for myself", Zara laughs, trying to make me feel better.

Naya looks in deep thought, "Its not a bad idea, even Matt would get jealous", Naya says. Zara laughs "Lets see what happens if guys try to flirt with you, he sure as hell wouldn't want to start a fight again at a party his dad organised", Zara laughs. "It will be fun to torture him". I look at Zara incredulously, "I'm not gonna flirt with anyone again", I say and then laugh to ease the tension. "Haha you won't have to, the way you're gonna look like tonight, the guys will do the flirting", I roll my eyes at Zara's comment but I consider it. It would be nice being the centre of attention of a guy. I start to get a bit excited about the party and start smiling. "There we go", Zara says "and all done, now let's put our dresses on. We had all done our makeup and hair now so all was left was our dresses.



I look at myself in the mirror and look impressed with my makeup and hair style, it really accentuated my features. My brunette hair was up in a bun with some strands hanging out that had been curled. I had ditched my glasses and wore my contacts all the time now and was wearing purple eyeshadow that made my green eyes stand out and pink lipstick. I was wearing a light pink strapless dress that reached my mid thighs and that had gems around the waist.

I look over and see Zara wearing a red dress with spaghetti straps that reached her mid thighs and was made of silk, she had straightened her hair making her look beautiful and pristine. We were now waiting for Naya to come out of the bathroom wearing her dress. "Naya what's taking so long it's nearly 7, we don't wanna be late", Zara shouts to the other side of the door. I agree, "Yh Zara, the Lunar pack will all be arriving soon, we're all supposed to be at the marquee by now", I say, wondering what was taking her so long. "She's been in there for half hour", Zara whispers to me, I nod with worry, "Yh I wonder what's going on", I say and start knocking on the door again, and she finally starts talking. "Guys...I...I don't think I wanna go", we hear Nayas quivering voice on the other side of the door. I get worried about her. "What's wrong Naya, you were excited before....can we come in?" I ask. We wait for a few seconds and then hear a click and the door opens. Her mascara is running down her face and her eyes were filled with tears. Me and Zara quickly go to her and hold her.

"What happened Naya, why are you crying", Zara asks. After pausing for a bit, Naya finally answers. "I'm just scared to go looking like this, I'm scared that I'll get made fun of cuz of my weight", Naya says dabbing her nose with a tissue. "I don't know what you're talking about Naya, you look beautiful", I try to reassure her. She really did look beautiful, she was not even fat at all but curvy and her dress showcased this well. Her dress was a glittery blue colour with a V neck that showed her cleavage and this contrasted well with her tiny waist and wide hips. "Dude, you look amazing, look at you, the only thing you need to work on is your eyesight, cuz I sure as hell don't know what you're seeing", Zara says incredulously. Naya is looking down at the floor like she is unsure what to say. "I'm just worried that...that Sam will make fun of me", she says quietly. Ugh Sam, memories flooded back of when we almost ended up fighting in that classroom. Man he made my blood boil.

"Fuck that guy", I say. "Sam is just jealous of your curves, he's probably secretly a drag queen", I say trying to make Naya feel better and it works as she cracks a small smile. Zara laughs "Haha what would his stage name be...Sammy Dujour" and we all start laughing. "Well lets hope Sammy Dujour gives a show tonight...lets get going", Naya says with a laugh, she still seemed a bit unsure but she nods again "Yh lets go", she says with more certainty. "First lets fix this makeup up", Zara says. After Naya's makeup was fixed, we left for the party not knowing what was to come.

Thanks guys for reading, I can't wait to write the next chapter and I cant wait for you guys to read it. Please show your support and vote or comment, it really motivates me <3

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