Chapter 5

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I open my eyes and squint as the sunlight is pouring in through the window, the alarm ringing loudly in my ears. I slowly sit up in my bed and turn the alarm off, running my fingers through my knotted hair and take a deep breath. 'Tomorrows my birthday, which means I'll need to prepare for the transition today' I thought with a smile. Although I was excited I was also a little scared and nervous due to the pain I would be experiencing but it will be fine. I'll have painkillers and be under supervision at the hospital. 

I was nervous also because turning 17 was a big thing in the werewolf community. Once I had turned 17, if there was any threat that our community faced then I would have to go with the rest of the werewolves to fight. Although werewolves by nature tend to be brave and strong, over time I feel like I have grown weaker and the opposite of what a werewolf is. I'm hoping that does change once I have transitioned but for now I have school to go to. 

I put on my glasses and get out of bed and make my way to the bathroom. After showering I put on some jeans and a long plain grey top on and brush my long brunette hair and tie it up into a bun. I make my way downstairs and grab an apple and make my way into the driveway. Mums car is not in the driveway so I'm assuming she didn't even come home last night. I shake my head and sigh sadly as I open my car door and sit inside and put the keys into ignition and drive towards school.

My relationship with my mother was not good. I felt like I hardly knew her. When my dad died when I was 5 she was never the same and I felt like she did not like seeing me as it reminded her of him as I inherited his looks. I don't miss him because I don't remember him but I still wish I had a father. Usually it was the fathers who went to the weekly pack meetings and since I didn't have a father and my mother refused to take his place, I felt more secluded from the werewolf community.

I park in the corner of the school car park which now was full of students and I start making my way to the building. I go towards my locker and take my History books out and as I turn around I see Matt leaning on the wall at the end of the hallway looking directly at me. His expression is cold and unwavering causing my heart to beat faster and look to the ground and walk towards my next class. I wasn't sure if to expect something. Yesterday I had come into school, worrying that Matt or his friends would do something but nothing happened. I didn't know if I should be relieved or more terrified. Was their plan to do nothing just so that I would be paranoid of what could happen but what would never happen. 

I walk into the classroom and walk to my desk at the back and take a seat. I then see Matt and Veronica and their friends walk in and sit down at the desks to the right. I'm leaning on one of my hands and try to look disinterested as Veronica starts talking about her birthday. "Yeah it was so painful but so worth it, and I knew that Matt would be my mate, right Matt?", Veronica looked at Matt expectantly. 'So...they are mates then', I thought to myself sadly. "Veronica I told you I'm not sure, my feelings towards you haven't changed and I don't even know what a mate bond is supposed to feel like", Matt said exasperatedly. 

'Oh so they might not be mates'. Suddenly my day just got much better. I try not to snicker but fail and Veronica turns around and catches me. "And what do you think is so funny four eyes", Veronica spat. Now everyone's attention is on me including Matt's which causes me to squirm in my seat. "I at least have a boyfriend and how many have you had", said Veronica filling the classroom with her shrill laugh. 

Matt then decides to embarrass me further, "I bet you haven't even had your first kiss yet" to which everyone in the classroom starts laughing causing me to blush and causes Matt to laugh at my reaction. 'Ugh I hate how they can tell that I haven't had my first kiss yet, I mean was it really that obvious'. I sink lower in my seat, looking down at my book trying to ignore the stares and laughs. Finally the teacher comes in and apologises for being late but my concentration is not on the class but elsewhere.

 I shouldn't let it get to me but it has, I am in my senior year and while everyone has had boyfriends and sex, I've never even kissed a guy. Maybe I could try to change that. I look around the classroom to see what guys could be an option. Well there was Mark, he was sat at the other side of the classroom where I could see his profile. He was a cute ginger guy with freckles and glasses. He then proceeds to pick his nose and then look at it and then put it in his mouth. I gag and feel slightly sick. Eww never mind. 

I look to John, he was this tall blonde guy with tattoos all over his body. I start to consider him but then listen in on a conversation with him and this girl "and I told her na ah you best not mess with ma gurl" and then took a sip of his starbucks. Nope, I guess he's not an option then. I then look at Matt who is paying attention to the teacher and taking notes. I lean on one hand and sigh. I take in his light brown hair and his hazel eyes and his perfect jawline. If only Matt wasn't such a dick, maybe we could have been together. 'But he is a dick and he doesn't like you and you don't like him either', another voice in my head says to which I sadly agree with.




School has now finished and I'm making my way down the hallway towards the door. I was pretty excited, I was gonna go home and then go to the hospital to prepare for the transition. The hallway was now deserted as I had stayed back to talk to a teacher. Before I can reach for the door Matt comes in front of me. "And where do you think you're going", Matt asks nonchalantly. My heart rate spikes up. 'Oh no, not today, he can't be messing me with me today', I thought with terror. "What did you think, I will let you get away for talking to me like that", Matt said coldly. "Please Matt leave me alone", I say quietly keeping my gaze down and try to move past him but he quickly lifts me over his shoulder and starts walking back down the hallway. "Matt put me down", I say with more conviction banging my fists on his back getting light headed from the blood rushing to my head. 

"Tomorrow's your birthday isn't it?" Matt says as he stops at a door. Oh no, where is he going with this. "It would be nice to go through your transition in the janitors closet, wouldn't it," Matt says with a laugh and opens the door. "What, please Matt no", I say on the verge of tears. He throws me into the small room and I land on my back and grunt from the pain. "Have fun", Matt says with a smile and closes the door and locks it leaving me alone in this small closet to go through a painful transition.

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