Chapter 10

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I quickly put the dirty dishes into the sink of the kitchen and go back out to give the cheque to a couple seated at a table. I work in a small Italian restaurant which would usually be busy but it was now Sunday afternoon and wasn't that busy. I'm cleaning the table and the manager Dave, comes over with a girl I don't recognise. "Em, I want you to meet one of our new waitresses, this is Zara", he says looking at the raven haired girl next to him. She was beautiful, with her tan skin, her green eyes was her most prominent feature. "Oh hi I'm Emerald but you can call me Em or Emma", I say. She has a big warm smile on her face which makes me feel more comfortable in talking to her. "Emerald, that's such a beautiful name but I'll call you Em then, " she says. "Now Em I'm gonna need you to train her okay?", Dave says to which I nod enthusiastically. Dave smiles kindly at both of us and walks away.

I look at Zara and see her smiling wide with anticipation. She was really excited about working here. "So what are we gonna do first?", she asks me. I wonder what I can teach her. "I'll show you what you do from start to finish", I say.

After an hour, I've showed her to take peoples orders and how to work the till. The rest was basic cleaning skills that she most likely already knew. We were now on our break sitting at a table in the corner of the room eating food. "So..." Zara says shoving some chips into her mouth..."Which school do you go to?" I try to chew my pizza quickly and speak "Ivory Hills High School". Her eyes widen with amazement. "That's the werewolf school...isn't it?". I look at her in shock. I had thought she was human, like everyone else who works here. Everyone else just assumed that the Ivory Hills High was for humans too but she knows about werewolves and yet she doesn't go to the school there. "Um yeah, how do you know about that? Which school do you go to?", I ask curiously. She laughs "Haha don't worry, I'm a werewolf too but I go to Easton High School, the school for humans", still laughing at my reaction from before and grabs another handful of chips. 

I wonder why she goes to the human school but I didn't want to pry so I change the topic. "So what do you think of this place so far?" I ask. She smiles, "It's great so far, and one of the cooks is really cute, the one with the blonde hair", she says quietly with a small smile on her face. I register which one she's talking about and laugh. "Well sorry to burst your bubble but he's already got someone", I say taking a bite out of my pizza, still laughing causing Zara to laugh. "So? It's a human relationship, it won't last that long," Zara says with a mischievous look. I almost spit out my pizza "Zara!" and we both start laughing. 

We continue to eat our food in a comfortable silence. I was starting to warm up to Zara pretty quickly. I always felt like I was an extrovert by nature but due to the bullying it caused me to make my own shell and hide in it. I was glad I could come to this place and finally be myself. Zara snaps me out of my thinking, "So have you found your mate yet?", she says wiggling her eyebrows suggestively at me. I laugh and then take a big sigh, "To be honest, I don't even know", I say, resting my head on one hand, looking down at my pizza. 

Zara laughs, "What do you mean you don't know, it's either a yes or a no, the mate bond is strong, there is no way you couldn't be sure". That is true. The mate bond is really strong, no one could resist it. "But what if you feel like you have a mate bond with someone and they are not showing interest but there is still something about them that pulls you towards them, no matter how distant they seem from you, every now and then you notice that they have this look in their eyes...this look that seems to mirror what you're feeling when you see them", by now I realise I had been talking without thinking and was wondering what Zara thought of all this. She was looking at me with a puzzled expression, "I haven't heard of anything like that before, there might be a few reasons why someone may not accept a mate bond but at the end of the day, the only person who really knows is you", she says. I nod and smile at her but look down solemnly at my food. I won't ever be able to tell how Matt feels about me if he is horrible to me.

"You know...", Zara say snapping me out of my thoughts, I look up to her and see her mischievous smile back on her face. "If he's trying to hide this mate bond, for whatever reason, you can try and find out if it really is him".

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