Chapter 11

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I look at myself in the mirror one more time and feel slightly self conscious. My hair was open rather than being in its usual plait. My wavy brunette hair came to my waist and I was wearing mascara and lip gloss. I would have taken my glasses off but I didn't have any contacts but had ordered them. I decided to wear the one pair of skinny jeans I owned and a tank top to show off my slightly tan skin. 'Okay, I think I look good now', I think to myself. I grab my school bag and head downstairs. My mums sitting on the kitchen counter seat with her head down snoring. I decide not to wake her and grab an apple and make my way towards the door. I close it quietly and walk towards my car. I get inside the car and start driving towards the school, both anxiety and anticipation racing around in my stomach.

Yesterday Zara told me how to find out if Matt is my mate. Her plan was simple. Well that's how she put it. To me this was terrifying. The first part of her plan was to look cute so that explains my outfit and hair and the second part was to try to flirt with some guys which is the part I'm dreading. Guys have either bullied or avoided me so I hope this new look was enough for a guy to flirt back. Zara said flirting with guys in front of Matt should cause some kind of reaction from him.

I pull up into the school's parking lot and my heart is racing with anxiety. This can go so bad so easily. I'm not sure I can do it anymore. My phone vibrates and I check and see that it's a text from Naya. We had become pretty close and yesterday I called her and told her about the plan. She said that she could tell there was something between me and Matt from the other day. I look at the text, 'Are you here? Matt is by his locker'. I decide to pull myself together and take a deep breath. I have to find out if he feels anything towards me. 

I open my car door and step out and already see people looking at me curiously. I close my car door and start walking towards the school entrance. As I enter I look straight ahead, trying to not focus on anyone's reactions. From my peripheral vision I see a few people doing double takes at me. I turn the corner and see Matt standing by his locker talking to Sam and Mark. My heart rate has doubled by now and I try to take deep breaths and remember what Zara told me. If you really flirt with guys, by nature they can't help but flirt back, no matter who you are.

I look around to see which guy I could go up to and notice Ethan, a blonde football player standing by his locker alone and he was in Matt's line of sight. I take a deep breathe as my eyes set on Ethan. I walk up to him and lean against the lockers and twirl a strand of hair with my finger, the way I've seen other girls do. He looks at me and his eyes roam from my legs upwards settling on my face which automatically puts me off but from my peripheral vision I see Matt now looking at us while Sam and Mark are still talking and I decide to carry on.

"Hey Ethan, I never realised how muscly you are", I giggle while moving one finger slowly from his neck down towards his stomach. I sneak a glance at Matt and see his eyes following my finger down Ethan's stomach and then back at me and Ethan angrily. I look back at Ethan who smiles and steps closer making me wanting to step back but I try not to move from my spot. "They're not the only muscles you will find impressive" and he winks at me. At first I look at him confused wondering what he's talking about but then realisation hits me and I giggle, trying to mask my disgust. "If you want, I can show you", he says putting his hands on my waist and shifting his body so now my back was against the lockers. I automatically put my hands over his hands in an attempt to take his hands off me. "Um n-no thanks, I'm g-good", I say deciding to abort this plan. He is about to reply but suddenly he's pulled away from me and thrown to the other side of the hallway, sliding on the floor, coming to a stop. 

I see Matt in front of me facing the direction he just threw Ethan in. By now everyone was looking over here and murmuring to each other about what was happening. I had never seen Matt look so angry before. His veins were popping out from the side of his head. Some fur had already grown and his eyes were slits that held so much anger in them. He turns his head to look at me and I see something flicker in his eyes that I could not decipher. He turns back towards Ethan who was just starting to get up. The anger returns in Matt and he walks towards Ethan and lifts him by the collar of his shirt and slams him against the lockers. Now everyone was really starting to talk. 

Naya walks towards me and faces towards Matt and Ethan, like me. "Well...he's definitely your mate then", she says with a laugh. I laugh back and think happily that my plan worked. Matt clearly didn't want me to be near any other guys. I snap out of my thoughts and look at Matt who seems like he is threatening Ethan quietly so only he could hear and then he punches Ethan in the stomach and says something to him again. It felt nice, having a guy fight for me like that. I was also going to enjoy torturing Matt like this, I think with a smile. Naya laughs, "You know, in these situations, you're supposed to be calming Matt down."

I snap out of my reverie quickly. "Oh yeah", I realise as I rush towards Matt who is about to throw another punch aimed at poor Ethan's head but I reach there in time and put one arm on Matts shoulder and another on his arm. "Matt, please don't", I say. He doesn't look at me, still giving a venomous look to Ethan who looks like he's about to pass out. He backs off of Ethan who regains his balance and runs away down the hallway away from us. By now the students had started walking again and returned to normal but Matt is still facing towards where Ethan was and is refusing to look at me. He seemed like he was still seething with anger as his fur hadn't disappeared. 

By now Sam and Mark have come up to him with a curious but worried expressions on their faces. "Matt, what's wrong, what happened with Ethan that you're so angry?", Sam asks and then looks at me angrily. 

I instinctively take a step back and Sam comes towards me but then Matt grabs my arm and starts walking down the hallway quickly, yanking me along with him, while people are giving us curious looks. We come to the janitors closet and he opens the door and pulls me in and closes the door behind him. He turns the light on and turns to look at me. My heart rate increases ten fold being in enclosed space with him as he walks towards me slowly. I take a step backwards and my back touches the wall. Matt comes closer so I'm face to face with his broad chest, scared to look into his eyes. He puts both arms on the wall either side of me and leans in, his face inches away from mine. 

"What do you think you're doing?" he whispers huskily. My chest is rising and falling as I struggle to form a coherent thought. "Um I...I", I don't know what to say. He leans in closer to the side of my face so I could feel his breath on my neck. Each time he exhaled, his breath hit my neck, causing pleasant sensations. "Don't flirt with other guys", Matt says quietly. I'm tempted to question him even though I know the answer already. "W-why not?" I ask quietly. He leans back to look at me with longing in his eyes. "Just don't", he says and then turns around and walks out of the door.

This was a long chapter, you're welcome XD So do you think Matt is her mate? Jk obviously he is. Did you think they were gonna kiss? Hehe too bad thats for another chapter. Hope you guys liked this one, thanks for reading

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