Chapter 9

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It's now lunch time and so I'm sitting in the cafeteria eating by myself as usual. I look a few tables ahead of myself and see Matt sitting with Sam, Mark and his other friends. I notice Naya walking around with a tray in her hand looking for an empty table to sit but there are none left so I wait till she looks in my direction and then gesture her to come here. Luckily she notices and shyly smiles and makes her way over here. "Hey how are you?" I ask as she sets her tray on the table and sits down next to me. She nods "I'm fine, um I...I wanted to thank you for what you did earlier", she says with a look of sincerity on her face and then looks down at her lap, twiddling her thumbs. 

I smile, "No problem, Sam is always a dick to me too, don't take offence to anything he says", I say taking a mouthful of my pasta. She suddenly looks upset and then quickly recovers and starts eating her apple pie. I feel bad for her. I hope she really didn't believe she was fat. She was just really curvy, but still a healthy weight and she was a really pretty girl. I look at Sam with a spiteful look knowing that he isn't looking at me but my eyes shift to Matt next to him who quickly looked away from me as soon as my eyes landed on him. He had been stealing glances at me? 

I don't think about it that much as I see Veronica walk over to their table and sit down next to Matt who then immediately starts making out with her to which she reciprocates. I immediately feel extremely angry and jealous. Seeing her run her hands through his hair made me feel even worse. I clench both of my fists and hear Naya say something to me but I don't pay attention as I'm focused on Matt and Veronica. I can see my arms starting to grow brown fur and that's when I realise my anger was out of control and I look away from Matt and Veronica and my fur stops growing and disappears. I look at Naya next to me who looked slightly terrified of me. 

"Um, Emerald are...are you okay?" she said apprehensively. I didn't wanna scare her. "Sorry Naya, I just really don't like those guys, ya know". She just nods and returns back to her food. Thankfully Matt and Veronica were eating their food now so I calmed down even more and look at my food, my appetite completely gone. I felt slightly embarrassed that she had seen my anger outburst but why was I so angry? Matt and Veronica have made out in front of me plenty of times and I did feel angry and jealous over it but not this much...why? A voice in my head just said 'cuz he's your mate'. Haha, well clearly not if he was making out with another girl. 

I decide to make conversation with Naya to distract me from my thoughts. "So why did you move to the Ivory Hills pack?", I ask while chewing my pasta. She looked up from her food, "My mum is originally from the Ivory Hills pack and moved to the Moon pack when she met my dad but they decided to relocate back here", she says chewing her food. It was the most I heard her talk. "So do you like it here so far?", I ask hoping she had an overall good experience so far. She looks ahead of us at Sam who was too busy eating his food and then quickly looks back at me, "Um yeah it's been...okay", she said not wanting to say more. 

I nod and leave it at that. I knew she didn't want to talk about that right now. "But you have made it easier", she says offering a warm smile. I smile back at her. I was glad that I had someone to talk to now. I had spent most of my school life eating alone. I was going to ask her if she had transitioned yet but notice that Matt, Sam and Mark had now approached our table. Sam looks vengeful as he approaches us and Matt looks expressionlessly at me. Sam picks up the slice of chocolate cake off of Naya's tray and threw it onto the floor. 

"I don't think you should be eating that, it will make it harder for me to carry you," Sam says and then proceeds to lift Naya and she tries to get out of his grip but he was just too strong and lifts her onto his shoulders. I get up quickly and attempt to lift Naya away from him but Matt grabs me around the waist from behind me. My body starts tingling around my waist but I try to ignore the feeling and attempt to fight him off me but his hold becomes more rough and he lifts me off the ground. Both Sam and Matt are carrying me and Naya towards the trash cans. Oh no, not this again, I had been thrown in there way too many times to count. 

I see other students filming us with their phones and laughing and my cheeks redden in embarrassment. Fear overwhelms me as I think how many people would end up seeing the video. I try to fight Matt's arms off me but his grip is just too strong. Sam threw Naya into one trash can and then Matt threw me into the one next to it. I feel the food swooshing against my legs and feel disgusted. I look up at Matt who's face held no emotion for me and I look down in sadness. Why do I like this guy who is so incredibly horrible to me? I look up at Matt again through my tear filled eyes and see his face flicker with guilt for a second but then it's replaced with a cold expression and he starts walking out of the cafeteria. I look over at Naya who was covering her face crying with Sam sneering over at her and then he looks at me. "This is what happens when you stand up to me, you are nothing but trash" and with that he walks away.

So what did you guys think? Is Matt a bitch? What do you guys think of Sam? Don't forget to vote and comment, thanks for reading <3

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