Chapter 4

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I look up into Matts eyes with fear hoping I do not get hurt again. Matt is looking down at me angrily and I cower from his gaze. Matt then steps closer to me causing me to step back until my back touches the wall. Matt steps closer to me until our faces are inches apart and I could see the yellow specks in his hazel eyes.

"You can't expect to talk to me like that and get away with it", Matts voice is deadly quiet causing my heart rate to quicken and the hairs to stand on my neck. "You're safe for today, but you better watch your back", Matt gave me one last cold look and walked away. I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. 'So I'm not gonna get beaten up again', I thought to myself. 'No he's lying, they're probably waiting for me outside'. I stand there hesitantly for a while, scared that they would be outside. I start walking down the hallway slowly and reach the door and step outside into the car park which is completely empty.

I run to my car expecting Matt or Sam to come to stop me. I quickly get my car keys out of my bag and unlock the door and jump in. I am trying to take deep breaths and calm down my heart beat. 'I'm fine', I try to assure myself. I put the keys into ignition and start driving. The drive was usually about 10 minutes to my house. I kept looking into the interior mirror wondering if Matt was following me but there was no car. 

'So they're not gonna do anything today but Matt did say for me to watch my back so they will do something...I just don't know when'. 'Urgh I hate this so much, this dread, not knowing when they will attack and to think there was a time where I actually had a crush on Matt, I couldn't deny I still was slightly attracted to him but him and his friends would always be bullying me so I stopped liking him. Not to mention that he would date Veronica which caused me to dislike him even more.' 

I pull up into the driveway of my house and see that mums car is not there. I'm not surprised, she's usually out, feeding her alcohol addiction. Mum was the only child in her family and so her parents had left her a huge amount of money so she thought she wouldn't have to work for a living', I roll my eyes at the thought. Unlike her though I wanted to work and earn my own money so I work as a waitress at the diner down the street on weekends. 

As soon as I enter the house I went upstairs and straight into my room and onto the bed, looking up at the ceiling. I felt so helpless. I can never stand up to Matt or his friends. What am I going to do. I try to hold back my tears knowing that crying will only make me weaker. 'Just one more year and then you're off to college', I try to reassure myself. Also my birthday is in a few days, so that's something to look forward to. Every werewolf can't wait for their 17th birthday because as soon as the clock strikes midnight, we start to change into our wolf form. The transition is very slow and painful and usually the girls go to the werewolf hospital to use morphine to decrease the pain but it can still be extremely painful. 

Most guys however choose to use no painkillers when transitioning as an attempt to prove their strength and pain tolerance. I however did not want to experience the pain so the evening before my birthday I was going to go to Ivory Hills hospital. To say I was scared was an understatement, I was terrified but I was still excited and who knows maybe I will meet my mate. The only person in our school who have already transitioned are Matt and Lewis, his other friend and then tomorrow it will be Veronica and then on Friday it will be me. I squeal with excitement forgetting everything that occurred earlier today. Forgetting that I might still be in danger.

A/N  ooh what do you think Matt is going to do, is he gonna let her off the hook or is she in some deep trouble, btw I have made some small changes in the previous chapters and added more stuff to it but its no major plot changes so you dont have to read it again, but it will explain why you would get confused about little details

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