chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Surprise Party

It was mid August and it was a week before I was off to college. Yes, you heard me right. I'm off to college, and I have until Friday to spend time with my mom and dad. Since my flight leaves for Italy, I am going to study there because I'm tired of the states, and I always wanted to try to live outside of the US. Anyway, back to packing. I didn't need to pack much since I was flying out of the US. All I had to pack are my clothes since I couldn't take my bed and dresser on the plane. While I was packing, my IPhone lit up like crazy. Who in hell is texting me? So I went over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone and, sure enough, there was a text from Rebecca, one of my best friends. I took a moment to text her back.

"Becky, what's up, you know I am packing, please text back. B"

I waited for a few minutes to see if Rebecca would text me back. I didn't have to wait long before I got a new text.

"Bella, the girls and I wanted to take you out later tonight, be ready around 6. Beck"

"What's going on? Please tell me."

"All I can tell you be ready at 6. Later. Beck"

I was going to text Becky back but I didn't bother, since I knew she wouldn't tell me any more. So I closed my phone and finished packing my clothes. All I was thinking about was what's going on tonight and why won't she tell me? I hope it's not a surprise going away party. As I was packing I remembered my first day in school when Becky and I became friends. Now she's not going to the same college and I will miss her dearly. I could feel my eyes begin to fill with tears. It will be different now that we won't be around each other. I really wish she would have gotten accepted at the same college. She didn't want to go out of the states. She's going to Washington State. I was also accepted there but I chose my second acceptance. I kept it as a backup in case I didn't get into the program in Italy. Both of my other two friends got accepted at the same college I did. One of them is going and the other one is staying in the states as well.

I took a break from packing and went through my outfits for tonight. I didn't have to worry about my looks because I have no interest in finding a boyfriend in Jacksonville, especially since I was on my way out of the states for four years.

I took Italian for a reason, so I can speak it when I get there. I was so excited about going to a foreign country that I didn't realize my phone was ringing again, playing Long Live By Taylor Swift. I have a song for everyone who has my number. I had it in my hand and flipped it open.

"Hello," I answered as I was walking back to my closet to find something to wear.

"Hey, it's me, Heidi." Heidi replied.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Are you ready for Friday?"

"Huh, what?"

"We both are going, right?"

"Oh yeah, sorry I was looking for an outfit in my closet for tonight."

"That's what I called you for."


"Yeah, do you know what's going on?"

"You got me."

"Well I'll let you go, I'll see you later tonight."

We hung up the phone and I went back to my packing again. I really didn't feel like packing right now. I closed my bag and went into our living room to relax. Trying to collect my thoughts about what was going on in my life.

My life is about to change. I'm going from English to Italian, and it's kind of freaking me out. For some reason my friends are surprised that I'm actually going through with it. I want to start a new life in a foreign country. I wanted to try to see what it was like living in a different country. It had always been a dream and now it was a reality. I was thinking about this when I turned to look at the time. It was about 3:00 -- jeez, I'd better get ready.

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