Creativity/Roman x Reader

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I was doing a collab with Thomas and his sides and I couldn't help but see that Roman was stealing glances at me. I looked at him and smiled and he smiled back. I tucked my (h/c) hair behind my ear (If you have long hair) and looked to the floor. "(Y/n)? Are you going to awnser?" I heard Thomas ask next to me.

"u-uh pardon? sorry" I smiled at him then to the camera. I could feel the heat on my cheeks and I was just hoping no one would see.

"Hey kiddo are you okay? You seem a little flustered" Patton asked. Shoot! "Oh uh yeah!" I tried to cover up my cheeks by fanning them trying to show that I was just a little too warm. "She is just blushing at my dashing good looks! I have that tpe of affect on beautiful princesses" He smiled heroicly looking at something above him.

I giggled and blushed harder at his compliment. 'Litteraly' I thought. "What? Do you like him? Are you developing feelings? Am I asking too many questions?"  Patton babbled.

I looked at him in shock. "did I say that outloud?" I asked nervously.

I looked at the others. Virgil was smirking, Logic just looked shocked , I wouldn't blame him, I wouldn't have thought i'd fall with a prince.

I looked at Patton and he had his hands up to his mouth and he was looking quite excited. I looked to Thomas and he was also smirking but playfully. He nudged me and i chuckled but I looked to Roman and he looked confused. I knew I made a mistake. "You know what I-I left my... OVEN ON! I left my oven on. I best go sort that out." I quickly stumbled over my words coming up with an excuse so I could save atleast some of my dignity. Thomas looked confused and Roman looked hurt.

I ran out the front door and up the street. Luckily my house was only a few blocks away.

I grabbed my keys out of my pocket and opened the door. I rushed through the door and slammed it behind me. I walked into my living room and collapsed onto the sofa. I just led there for about ten minuits until someone knocked on the door.

I didn't want to get up but I didn't want to be impolite. I groaned and dragged myself off of the sofa and to the door. I opened it slightly to see Thomas. I sighed and opened the door further. "I'm sorry I ran away" I said looking to the floor. He just looked at me sadly. "Don't apolagise, you were nervous it happens trust me if you saw me infront of my crush when I was younger it was so humiliating (Just adding this in probably not true sorry! I'm not being mean it's just for the story!!!) I chuckled at him and led him to the living room. "Princey wants to talk to you" He said.

Roman came up and stood next to me. "Hi" he said awkwardly. I smiled slightly. AWKWARD! He looked at Thomas and he nodded and then Thomas walked off to the other room.

Roman sighed quietly. "I-I um" He stuttered. What's with him? "What's wrong? You're normally really confident" I smiled. That was one of the things I had grown to like about Princey. He took a deep breath. "You're right! I like you! I like you alot ever since I saw you my feelings for you have been developing for you and so t-that btings me to the question." He said lovingly with little twinkles in his eyes and took a deep breath.

"(Y/f/n), will you give me the honour of being my princess?" He asked smiling at me. I pulled him in for a kiss which he happily returned. We pulled away for oxygen. "Ofcourse my prince."

EW!!! FEELS!!! Jk love it, hehe. TOODLES!!!

- Charley

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