I'm back!

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I know I've been gone for a little bit...a long bit but I'm back now! I'll be writing and publishing as much as I can but I am still going through my GCSEs and revision will always come first, I love you guys but I also don't want to be homeless...

I'm still welcoming ideas so if you wanna give me an idea even if it's a song that you want me to go off of that's okay go ahead but I do have some ideas of my own so don't worry I'll definitely update.

I do wayyyy too many A/Ns...sorry about that...

I love you guys so much and none of you have been nagging me to get off my ass and update so thank you so much for being patient. I'll update tomorrow or if I finish a chapter by the end of the day I'll update today. Again I'm so sorry for the lack of content and Thank you. I love youuu



Thomas Sanders sidesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang