Deceit x Reader

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I turned the corner sharply. It can't be. I don't believe it. I guess his name is deceit for a reason.

I threw my hoodie over my head that was black and had two snakes intertwined as a little emblem on the to left. It's deceits, he let me borrow it a week ago but he never got it back. I smile to myself as I breathe in his cologne. I pulled on some high waisted black jeans and some Adidas black shoes. I open my door and lock it on the way out, hailing a taxi on the sidewalk.

I pay the driver and get out to knock on the door. Patton opens it. "Ah, heya kiddo!" He says awkwardly. "Hi, are you okay, Patton? You don't seem yourself" I say, letting myself by him. He chuckles nervously. "how do you make holy water? ... You boil the hell out of it" He laughs at his joke which makes me laugh too.

"Is deceit in?" I ask focusing back on why I came here. Roman quickly runs down the stairs. "NO!" He yells "DECEIT ISN'T HERE, Y/N" He continues. I look at him like he's crazy as he plasters a fake smile on his face. "Aren't you meant to be creative Roman? Could you make it any less obvious? Does Deceit not want to see me?" I begin to get annoyed. "It's really not tha-" I cut him off as I move past him swiftly so he couldn't stop me.

I walked down the corridor. Roman and Patton aren't malicious, why would they cover for Deceit if he was doing something bad. I hesitated at the door for a split second. I quickly wipe away any thoughts about not being able to trust him. I swing open the door seeing a girl in nothing but a towel. I halt. My breathing stopped. I could feel the warm tears prick in my eyes. No, it's a friend who used his shower, no biggie. "I'll be out in a second" I hear Deceit say. He was in the bathroom too. 

I turned the corner sharply. It can't be. I don't believe it. I guess his name is Deceit for a reason. I stumble out the doors barely being able to see due to my blurred vision. Warm tears rain down my cheeks. I run home, it's a while away but I don't care, I can't feel anything anyway. Only the dull numb feeling coursing through my body.

I led in bed once I got home, I wasn't hungry or thirsty. When I woke up in the morning I was pale with red puffy eyes from where I was crying last night. He's my boyfriend and he thinks he has the right to do that. Seriously. I pick up my phone, my hand shaking in anger. I begin to piece together an angry message. Before I could finish it there was a knock at the door. I sigh, getting to my feet, dragging them to the door.

I open it and to my disgust my vulgar soon to be ex boyfriend is standing there with my favourite flowers. I roll me eyes at him. "What's that? You think you can woo me over with some flowers? You're cheating on me and you bring me flower!?" I scoff, my rage coming out. His look doesn't falter. My eyebrows furrow as he chuckles lightly. "Is this funny?" I ask bewildered. He shakes his head trying to pull a straight face, but failing terribly.

"You caught me at a wrong time" He begins sliding past me without an invitation. "It wasn't what it looked like." He states calmly. I roll my eyes. "That's what they all say." I scoff once again. He laughs, less quietly this time. "I'm disgusted" He sighs with a smile. "Yeah, me too." I mumble and walk into the living room. "Don't you understand, Y/n?" He asks. This time I get really angry. "I understand perfectly! You were in a shower with a girl I saw it with my own eyes!" I yell.

He tilts his head at me with a smirk. "Did you see us both in the shower, together?" he asks. "Well, no but-" I stutter as he cuts me off. "You have no proof, and as cute as you are when you are angry I've got to say, she's my cousin. She came out of the bathroom so I went in to have a shower whilst she got changed. It was harmless. I apologise if I upset you in anyway, and although I didn't do anything wrong, I'm truly sorry" He says cringing but his face and voice softens by the end. 

I can't help but to smile slightly, tears come to my eyes again. "You're a douchebag for scaring me like that." I mumble wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him in for a hug. He tightly wraps his arms around my waist in return. We stay there for a while him stroking my hair until we agree to get pizza because my stupid stomach ruined the moment by rumbling.



I apologise for the long wait I know it's been a while since he was announced I just didn't want to get his character wrong. If you think I could improve my way of writing about him in anyway please tell me and I'll try my best!

Thomas Sanders sidesWhere stories live. Discover now