Chemicals (Logan x Reader)

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I smiled happily as I skipped down the street. I was on my way to Thomas' house as we had plans together. I couldn't wait. I really wanted to see Logan, don't get me wrong Thomas is amazing but Logan is just extraordinary.

I knocked on Thomas' door and a very tired Thomas opened the door. "Good morning!" I smiled at him. He smiled weakly back at me, he rubbed his eyes and opened the door wider for me to come in. "Morning" He replied.

We both walked to the living room. "So Y/n!" Thomas started but was cut off by Princey jumping up. "Did someone say Y/n?" Roman clapped his hands in excitement. He ran up to me and hugged me. "Get your hands off my beautiful daughter" Patton smiled taking Roman off of me and embraced me in a hug of his own. "Next thing you know he's going to want you to call him daddy" Virgil winked at me with a smirk. I knew Patton, he was wayyy to innocent, right?

I cleared my throat and straightened my glasses then stuck my tongue out at Virgil but before he could respond I spoke up. "So where is Logic?" I asked looking around the living room. Roman sighed dramatically. "Young love" He chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "He's busy working out his feeling for you" Patton said. The others gave him death glares and he immediately covered his mouth with his hands.

Feelings? For me?

At this point I was insanely confused. I know that I have a massive crush on Logic but I never knew he felt the same way about me. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, right? I mean may just be confused whether I'm his friend or not, I dunno...

Logic came up from his room mumbling words I couldn't hear. He obviously didn't notice me. I was about to say hi but I was cut off.

"I'm not in love with Y/n!" He exclaimed. Ouch, that hurt, he makes it sound like a good thing. "Logically speaking, it's only a hormone called oxytocin. It's not feelings, I don't do feelings. It's all just chemicals, it means nothing!"

My vision was blurred by tears. I couldn't hold them back anymore. I let them stream down my cheeks. He must of heard me sniffle because he then looks up at me. "Y/n?" He asks. I scoff at him. "Don't look so concerned. You "Don't do emotions" right? They're all just chemicals yeah? Well some of us believe in love, you might not but don't crush other people. Atleast have sympathy" I cried. I turned on my heels and ran out the door.

Half way down the street I slowed down. I removed my glasses and wiped my eyes then putting then back, resting them on the bridge of my nose. I ignored all the concerned looks around me, because they aren't actually concerned are they. It's just chemicals.

I opened my front door and locked it behind me. I sat on my couch watching vines and scrolling through memes trying to cheer myself up. I checked the time. 4:37 pm. I have sat here for hours wasting time trying to cheer myself up, trying to get myself to release a "chemical" into my brain to make me happy.

The thing that really got me is that Logan didn't chase after me, he didn't try to fix things. He stood there in silence looking sorry. Let me repeat myself, he looked sorry. He wasn't actually sorry, oh no, because remember

I was really ill today so I had time to write as I couldn't really go outside or anything, not that I would anyway but still. I'm sorry I haven't updated recently, I recently had PPE'S. I'll be moving out of secondary school soon and into college. I really hope you understand why I haven't been updating. I'm sorry again...
- Charley

Thomas Sanders sidesWhere stories live. Discover now