Anxiety/Virgil x Reader

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I can't wait to post so I will just post this today and post another one on Sunday

I pulled out a black shirt that said "icecream is cheaper than therapy" and put on some black ripped skinny jeans and some black trainors. I grabbed my phone and walked out the door and headed to Thomas Sanders house. Yes I was best friends with the Thomas Sanders.

I walked through the door without knocking because he is use to it now and I practically live there. "Honey I'm home!" I shouted and then giggled. Thomas raced down stairs. "Hi!" he smiled.

All of his sides appeared. I looked to where Anxiety normally is but he wasn't there. "Hello (Y/n)" Logic said. "Hiya kiddo!" Morality grinned. "Greetings my princess" Creativity said with a charming smile. I was about to tell him for the 50th time that i'm not his princess when Anxiety appeared.

"She is not your princess!" He glared at Princey. I looked at them both. I knew he didn't mean anything by it and it isn't offensive or anything. "Anxiety it's fine, he's messing around" I chuckled at how defensive over me. He looked at me and sat on the steps not making eye contact.

"Okay! Who wants a dad joke?" Morality chimed in. He giggled to himself and then cleared his throat. "How do you make a tissue dance? You put a little boogie in it!" He laughed. I chuckled and took a glance at anxiety to see him smiling at me. Okay he never smiles at Moralitly's dad jokes.

He saw me looking at him and his smile dropped. What did I do? have I done soemthing wrong? I have haven't I! Oh gosh.

Anxiety's P.O.V

I saw her smile. I heard her little laugh. I heard her voice. I saw her. She makes me smile. She makes me want to take off my headphones and stop listening to my music and talk to her but I don't want feelings.

I don't have feelings, I'm not meant to because i'm too anxious to have them. I'm not like Logic, I do have feelings but I don't like having them, if that makes sense.

I look at Princey and just give him pleading eyes. He looked confused but then he looked to (y/n) and then at me and raised his eyebrows but then he sunk down and so did I.

We were in his room. "Do you like (Y/n)?" he asked with a smirk. "Oh my how amazing, you have feelings you know what it is like to want a princess like her." He smiled with his signiture Princey kind of smile.

I rolled my eyes and grunted. "She is not a princess" I stated angrily. He held his hands up in surrender. "okay well the best thing you can do is woo her over!" he said. "You can sing!" he smiled. He started to break into song.

Urghh! "Stooooop!" I whined "I don't sing!" I said glaring up at him through my bangs. He rolled his eyes. "Well, sir singalot! Do you have a solution?" I asked. He sighed. "Listen you dismal nightmare! Just tell her! That's what Morality would say and he is Thomas' heart after all" He explained.

I nodded. "You're right!" I smiled. Again. That's wierd. "Thank you Princey" I said and lifted back up to the living room.

"(Y/n) I need to talk to you!" I yelled over everyone. The whole room went quiet. Shoot! I started fidling with my jumper.

"What's up?" She asked. I looked up at her. She smiled at me trying to get me to say it. Her smile gave me butterflies. I was too anxious to tell her any of my feelings.

"Okay! Just like my name, rip it off like a bandaid!" i reasure myslef. I took a deep breath. "I really like you!" I said closing my eyes not wanting to see her reaction.

"I really like you too" She said happily. I opened one eye. "You do?" Me, Logic and Thomas said at the same time. Wow rude much! She giggled and nodded. I couldn't help but smile.

She hugged me tightly and I hugged her back. At first I was a little shocked as I'm not use to this stuff I don't like talking to people let alone tell them that I have feelings for them but soon after I melted into her arms and I puled her closer.

I kissed the top of her head and she nestled her head into my collar bone. "AWWWW!" Morality squeled. I felt her giggle. Normally i'd glare at him but I-I guess at the moment I'm happy. I'm happy that she is mine and that I am the one who gets to hug her and kiss her and comfort her, make sure she is okay, I am the one who gets to do that. I get to make her smile and that beautiful smile is the thing I first fell in love with about her.

CUTE! I love anxiety and when he winks and clicks his tounge.. you know what I mean! I just love him in general. Okay I hope you liked this chapter! Thank you so much for reading it means alot. TOODLES!

- Charley

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