Comic Con (Thomas x Reader)

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"Thomas! Why won't you let me go?" I asked. He rolled his eyes slightly. "You have tons of fans on your YouTube account okay! Alot of them are gonna be guys" He explained. I crossed my arms. "What you don't trust me?" You asked. He shook his head. "You're jealous?" I asked again. He shook his head. "I don't trust them" He said quietly. "Baby" you sighed pulling him into a hug.

"I can protect my self"  I smiled at him. "Oh I know but what if one is a- a body builder? Huh?" He asked. I chuckled slightly. "I'll kick him in the balls" I said and then we both began to laugh.

I got into the taxi and drive to the airport. Once I got there I payed the driver and walked into the airport. I was busy fumbling around in my bag for my passport when I walked into someone.

I looked up to see an outstretched hand. I took it and they helped me up. I came face to face with the Dan Howell. "I'm sorry I should have been looking where I was going" I apolagised. He chuckled subtly. "It's fine honestly, I'm Dan" He smiled. I smiled back. "I know...I mean I'm (Y/n)" I said blushing slightly.

"Me and Phil are going to Comic Con" He said pointing to him then Phil.
"Oh me too!" I said "we best get going". We all walked through security and waited for our plane.

Our plane was called and all three of us made our way to first class. Through half of the flight the three of us were just talking then a quater of the way I was sleeping and the rest I was listening to music mainly (f/b) (Fave song).

We got off the plane and went our separate ways as we were going to different hotels. I checked in at the desk of the hotel and then went to my room. I dropped my bags and jumped on the king-size bed.

I woke up to my alarm. Woops I didn't realise I fell asleep. I threw on black ripped jeans, a cute plaid shirt which Thomas got you for your birthday, and a pair of black trainors. I brushed my teeth and hair and grabbed my bag. I walked out the door and got into an elevator.

*Time skip brought to you by Dan's dimple*

I was finally at comic con and I am set up for signings. I was kind of overwhelmed by how many people were here. It was insane. I greeted every fan with a smile and even some brought tears to my eyes by their stories. I finished up the signing posters and I got back stage for my panel.

I was doing a panel with a few other youtubers including Brent Rivera and Gabbie from theGabbieshow. Half way through the panel another mic got tuned in and I heard someone clear there throat. Thomas wondered onto the stage.

"Oh hey guys!" He smiled. The whole audience screamed. I chuckled subtly. "Thomas what are you doing here?" I asked. He stood right next to me and looked me in the eye. "Well (Y/n) for the whole four years that we have been together you have changed my life. I love you so much and I don't want to lose you. Ever. So will you make me the happiest man in the galaxy and marry me?" He said getting down on one knee.

I was speechless. I tried to speak but I couldn't. I started to cry of joy and jumped into his arms. "Yes! Yes Thomas I'd love to!" I exclaimed. The whole audience stood up clapping and screaming.

It is still Wednesday so technically I did it on time so shh. Sorry guys I know I haven't been updating much school is getting on my nerves and urghhh. anyway I hope you liked the chapter! I kind of got carried away with the whole Dan and Phil thing for a second I actually thought I was doing a Dan x Reader. Oops. Never mind. ANYWAYS! TOODLES!

- Charley

Thomas Sanders sidesWhere stories live. Discover now