Cheater P.2 (Roman x Reader)

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This is my first lyric based chapter so I hope you guys like! Thanks to @klanceshipper82 and @__HamilTrash__ I am combining both their ideas to make one chapter I switched it up a bit hope you guys don't mind! Here we go!

Little do you know how I'm breaking while you fall asleep. Little do you know I'm still haunted by the memories.

(Y/n) flew away from her problems. To a place far far away. But now she is back. (Y/n) is still trying to get over what Roman did to her. She still loves him. She always will, but she has nightmares. Nightmares of what happened that night. She see's them. Together. She hates it.

Little do you know I'm trying to pick myself up, piece by piece. Little do you know I need a little more time.

She was broken. She tried to fix herself. She tried to pick up the pieces and glue them back together but the glue needs to dry otherwise she'll fall apart again.

Underneath it all, I'm held captive by the hole inside. I've been holding back for the fear that you might change your mind.

(Y/n) is still friends with Thomas so she see's him alot. She also see's Roman. But he left a hole in her heart. He tried to apolagise but (Y/n) is scared he'll make the same mistake again.. he'll want someone else.

I'm ready to forgive you, but forgetting is a harder fight. Little do you know I need a little more time.

She has forgiven Roman. She still loves him but she can't be with him because that image is burnt into her memories. She can't forget.

Away, away. I've loved you like you've never felt the pain, away.

Roman loves (Y/n) dearly. He wants to wish away all the bad things he did. He didn't mean to hurt (Y/n). That wasn't he wanted. He didn't know what he wanted. But now he wants (Y/n) to forget so she doesn't have to live with the pain.

I promise you don't have to be afraid, away. The love is here and here to stay, so lay your head on me.

Thomas and (Y/n) were going to maje a collab so she went round his. Roman was there. (Y/n) gave him a chance to explain. Roman finally got to talk to (Y/n) after almost whole year. He promised that he would never do that again and that he loves her and always will.

Little do you know I know you're hurt while I'm sound asleep. Little do you know all my mistakes are slowly drowning me.

Roman knew he hurt (Y/n). It was a mistake. A mistake that couldn't be taken back. He needs (Y/n) that's the only way he can live. He's drowning and the only person who can save him is her. (Y/n).

Little do you know I'm trying to make it better, piece by piece. Little do you know I...I love you till the sun dies.

He buys her presents and flowers. Anything that will make it even the slightest bit better he will do because he loves her. He loves her to the end.

Away, just wait I love you like I've never felt the pain, just wait. I love you like I've never been afraid, just wait.

Another year has past. (Y/n) and Roman are together again. She still remembers but it's faded just like the pain that came with it. She isn't afraid anymore. She isn't afraid to love him.

Our love is here and here to stay, so lay your head on me.

Roman proposed to (Y/n) and ofcourse she said yes.

Away, away, away, away. I love you like I've never felt the pain, away, away.

Away. It's all gone away. It's stashed away in the back of her mind. She has finally forgotten. Forgotten everything. Both of them have.

I promise you dont have to be afraid, away. The love you see, we're here to stay so lay your head on me.

They stayed together all the time. Singing together. Watching Disney together. She would lay with him and no more nightmares would occur because he was there with her. He was with (Y/n) and not another girl.

Lay your head on me, so lay your head on me. 'Cause little do you know I. I love you till the sun dies

They loved eachother to the end. They lived happily. They had a family of their own. When they passed away they were buried together. Together till the end...and longer.

There you go guys. What do you think? I know it's not the best I'll probably have to tweak it a bit as it's not perfect but nothing is. Except Thomas Sanders. Obviously. Anyway I hope you liked this and this may not have been what you were expecting and if not I'm sorry. I wanted to update this today because...well just because. ANYWAYS. TOODLES!

- Charley

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