Hanahaki Disease (Logan x Reader)

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A/n This is a recommendation by @Fandom_Princess_21.  It's a part two to 'would you be so kind (Logan x Reader)'. Thank you for the request I hope you like it and it's how you imagined, if you don't like the ending I'll change it :3 <3 !!!

Y/n's P.O.V

I was getting ill. Severely ill. I ran to the toilet, feeling it rise up my throat. I throw up into the cold basin, petals falling out of my mouth. I cry at the aching, suffocating feeling it comes with. I have hanahaki disease. A disease where when there is one sided love, you cough and throw up petals until the other person reciprocates your feelings, or you get it surgically removed although your feelings get ripped out with it. If neither happens before you run out of time, you suffocate.

I sigh as I pull down the metal handle to flush down the dark blue petals along with the splutters of blood. I hear someone enter my room. "Are you okay, kiddo?" Patton asks me kneeling down next to me rubbing my back. I explain to him what's happening to me. "I'm your friend, I love you! Will that make it go?" He asked brightly, trying to find a solution. I shake your head. "It has to be strong, romantic feelings, not those of a friend" I cry into his shoulder.

I bring my hand to my mouth as I cough. I open my hand to find three more dark blue petals splattered in a deep red blood.  Patton looks at me determinedly. "We'll get Logan to like you, Y/n!" He smiles reassuringly. I let out  deep breath and shake my head, a single tear burning my cheek. "He doesn't get feelings, Patton, he never will" I bring my hands to my face wiping my tears away as they begin to stream down my face. Patton gets up and walk out the room. 

I look at myself in the mirror, I'm pale, and feel weak. I don't have long left. I need to find out what I'm going to do it. I lay in my bed clenching the sheets in my fists. I cough more and more, slowly choking on the slowly moving petals, defying gravity as they claw up my throat. I cough again. This time a full blue flower flew out of my mouth and landed in my pale hand. 

My breathing quickened. There's no time for surgery. I'm dying. I stand up and stumble out my room and down the stairs. I see Logan. "Logan." I mumble. He looks at me, concern fills his eyes. "Y/n, are you okay?" He asked looking at me. "You're pale, you're sick" He said. His face was so close to mine. I leaned in and kissed him, my chapped lips moved against his soft ones but his didn't move, he didn't move. I pulled away and he stood looking at me, obviously not knowing what to do. I pull him into another kiss, this time I couldn't taste him I could only taste the warm saltiness of my tears.

I fall to my knees. "Why don't you love me!" I cry "I'm going to die, don't you understand?" I scream. He kneels down before me. "Y/n I-" I cut him off by pounding him weakly, my fists hitting his chest,  he catches my wrists. 

"What are you talking about? he whispered. He looked over me trying to find some sort of sign that I was joking. I rip my hands away from him as I cough up another whole blue flower. "Oh my gosh, this, this isn't real" He stumbled over his words. I nod sobbing loudly. "It is real. Why can't you just love me!" I scream. "I just want you to love me" I whisper. My tears slow down. I feel my throat close up. I was suffocating. I was used to not being able to breathe around Logan but this is taking it a bit too literally.

Logan takes me into his arms as I choke on my lack of breathe. "I'm sorry." I heard him whisper and I felt his lips press against the top of my head. My visions getting blurry. He holds me closer as I take my final breath. "I wish I could love you" I hear him whisper before everything goes black.

Thomas Sanders sidesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant