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Chapter 6~ The aftermath
Thalia in mm

I walked into the diner where me and Flora are going to meet up to get breakfast. I had so much to get off my mind and Flora is the perfect one to tell. She would kiss the ground I walk on and that's why I get along with her. She was my minion; if I called she came, if I wanted something done but didn't want to do it she did it. Too bad Giselle and Violet anit like that because if they were I would actually like them.

I smiled, "Hey Flora." I slid into the seat across from her.

"Hey." She squealed, "What did you need to tell me."

"A couple things actually." I stared off, "Firstly mom and dad are mad as fuck at me."

"How mad?" She asked.

"To the point where they don't want to talk to me or look at me." I rolled my eyes.

"Of course they don't because you messed with their favorite daughter." She said slightly annoyed.

"Right, like don't they realize they have three other daughters." I said.

"Sometimes I think they forget, but what else you need to tell me?" She asked.

"I want revenge, like I want to fuck her life up like she been doing me." I smiled, "She left the club with that rapper Quavo." I showed her picture.

"Oh he fine." She stretched out with a smile.

"You have a man girl but anyway, I want to fuck up their relationship as much as possible." I said.

"You don't even know what they have going on. You know she a hoe she probably just slept with him and about to move on to the next." She shrugged.

"I know but I don't care, if I can't be happy she can't either." I said determined.

"You have a man though." She pointed out.

"Not for very long." I sighed, "I think he is cheating on me."

"Oh why you think that?" She furrowed her eyebrows .

"I found panties; multiple panties at that. And he always talking to this girl late at night." I explained.

"You don't say." She said.

"Yeah and when I find out who it is I'll kill her, I promise that." I said.

She chuckled, "Yeah."




My eyes popped open and I quickly sat up. I rubbed my temples and pushed the blanket off myself and got out the bed. I began to search the room for my clothes and then put them on. I was ready to hurry up and go home because I didn't want to embarrass myself. I wasn't going to try to play it off and stay here because I knew what this was.

I walked over to the nightstand where my phone was, on it was a note.

I didn't want to wake you up or nothing so here my number. Call me whenever you want to talk again.

Behind the scenes  *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now